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this thread is becoming a thread on what size dog is best i dont think the lad who started it intended for it go that way i know nuttal breeds a smaller stamp of terrier but thats nothing a well chosen out cross could solve. my interests lie in what the terriers that mr nuttal is breeding at the moment like workwise, like i said i dont mind having a smaller terrier present in my kennels. dose mr nuttal still give you a money back guarentee whith his pups and dose he still honour that? :thumbs:

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aren´t mr. Nuttall´s modern stock of terriers not out of his old bigger stock ????

if yes there will allways be some big one´s in every litter just through the old genetic´s in their back of the pedigree´s !!

... so are the bigger dog´s out of the litters better than the small littermate´s ???

...not for us because on the land we got permission on , the half foxes are in old rabbit den´s were a "normal" 14-16 lbs dog can´t fix the tight tubes ! ....so we need the smaller dog´s also ( but we also had more bigger dog´s ) to hold the permissions to do a good job on the pest controll !



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i dont think mr nuttall has ever bred large terriers i belive he used to aim for 14" 14£ terriers but over the years with tryig to keep the lines tight the size of the terrier has become smaller i may be wrong this is just part what ive heard and thought myself im sure somebody on here with more knowledge than myself will put the record staight :thumbs:

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  harddigging said:
i dont think mr nuttall has ever bred large terriers i belive he used to aim for 14" 14£ terriers but over the years with tryig to keep the lines tight the size of the terrier has become smaller i may be wrong this is just part what ive heard and thought myself im sure somebody on here with more knowledge than myself will put the record staight :thumbs:

there must be some because in the breeding´s that R.C. did from the nuttall bloodet dog´s are also some big one´s from 10 - 28 pds. ! and they were and are all nuttall blood !

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  Greengrass said:
He obviously was'nt holding it properly then pip was he ;) , now "playing devils advocate" pray tell what you mean by that ?



The dog could nt physically hold it not big enough see,only 10" :doh:

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  harddigging said:
28 pds thats a monster of a terrier id like to see one come in at that weight that wasnt just fat, you must be bordering wheaten size at that weight :thumbs:

This one i got ( or my girl has as a pet ) is 31 pds. ! ok to be honest bit of bull in her but her father is the 27-28 pds dog ( no bull in him , bull came from the motherside )!!







her father ( just nuttall bloodet , bred by R.C. and still on his yard )


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Pip, i don't get what your saying. If the 10" had a proper grip, in the right place of course he should be able to hold him where he can !, you never seen big guys have wee guys down on the deck outside the pub on a friday night purely because the little guy had a better hold on the big guy, if something has something else in a good hold where they CAN'T MOVE then size does'nt come into it.

Over to you my learnered friend.


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Excuse me if im covering old ground here but -Any body buying a pup off one of the big name breeders has more to worry about than size .Its a well known fact that some of them breed from what they take back on a 'money back 'scheme .Thats to say if you had a dog that wasnt working by 2 1/2 ,they will refund the money BUT what happens to that dog .If its a good looker you can bet its bred from and the cycle starts again .I keep nuttal old stuff from way back and trying to find suitable outcross is a nightmare to the point of having to look elsewhere .

My point is -Anybody thinking of buying a pup from a well known name should have at least some first hand experience of the parents working .If they wont honour this ,dont buy ,simple as .

Ps Not knocking anyones choice ,just my own experience .

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  Greengrass said:
Pip, i don't get what your saying. If the 10" had a proper grip, in the right place of course he should be able to hold him where he can !, you never seen big guys have wee guys down on the deck outside the pub on a friday night purely because the little guy had a better hold on the big guy, if something has something else in a good hold where they CAN'T MOVE then size does'nt come into it.

Over to you my learnered friend.


GG im sure you know without me telling you that even the hardest strongest of dogs in the right earth with the right stuff will find it hard to pot stuff that doesn t want to be stopped,so a wee tote of thing no matter how hard will be getting it harder than his medium sized brother. :thumbs: so if you ve only room for a few dogs then surely a few medium sized would be better than a few of nuttals mosquitos,which are purely bred for groundhog,so why justify it for the british /irish .Unless you are Nuttal? :whistling: my personal preference 12"? is a little on the short side for dogs anyhow.BUT thats for the majority of earths we do

Edited by pip
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  foxdropper said:
Excuse me if im covering old ground here but -Any body buying a pup off one of the big name breeders has more to worry about than size .Its a well known fact that some of them breed from what they take back on a 'money back 'scheme .Thats to say if you had a dog that wasnt working by 2 1/2 ,they will refund the money BUT what happens to that dog .If its a good looker you can bet its bred from and the cycle starts again .I keep nuttal old stuff from way back and trying to find suitable outcross is a nightmare to the point of having to look elsewhere .

My point is -Anybody thinking of buying a pup from a well known name should have at least some first hand experience of the parents working .If they wont honour this ,dont buy ,simple as .

Ps Not knocking anyones choice ,just my own experience .

We got a dog from a big name i mentioned on another thread in 1999 £150 gauranteed to work.When collecting the dog it was a full tour of his kennels stories of digs breeding of dogs signed copy of his book cups of tea etc.By 2 1/2 the dog wouldn t even travel after every method tried,we left the dog back down he was very sharp, accusatory about entering methods and took the dog and almost through the money at us,although he did give the money back.He did spread the word that after that the dog was ruined and would have worked in the right hands. :hmm: It was a looker only ever at one show and cleaned up,so where did it end up??

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I had a bitch pup off Nuttal out of Jonjoe x Thistle,never made the grade,he said when i took it if it did'nt work bring it back and he would give money back,but i pts cos i knew if i took it back it would end up in the back of his transit van with the other twenty odd puppy machines till it was ready to whelp,that was in '99,im more wary about where i get my dogs from now.Size wise the bitch was about 11"-12" so not as small as some of his stuff but still not a very strong bitch

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  pip said:
  Greengrass said:
Pip, i don't get what your saying. If the 10" had a proper grip, in the right place of course he should be able to hold him where he can !, you never seen big guys have wee guys down on the deck outside the pub on a friday night purely because the little guy had a better hold on the big guy, if something has something else in a good hold where they CAN'T MOVE then size does'nt come into it.

Over to you my learnered friend.


GG im sure you know without me telling you that even the hardest strongest of dogs in the right earth with the right stuff will find it hard to pot stuff that doesn t want to be stopped,so a wee tote of thing no matter how hard will be getting it harder than his medium sized brother. :thumbs: so if you ve only room for a few dogs then surely a few medium sized would be better than a few of nuttals mosquitos,which are purely bred for groundhog,so why justify it for the british /irish .Unless you are Nuttal? :whistling: my personal preference 12"? is a little on the short side for dogs anyhow.BUT thats for the majority of earths we do

pip u dont half talk some shit i ve got a 5 yr old nuttall dog thats been dug to atleast 150 times hes never put a foot wrong.

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  steve R said:
  pip said:
  Greengrass said:
Pip, i don't get what your saying. If the 10" had a proper grip, in the right place of course he should be able to hold him where he can !, you never seen big guys have wee guys down on the deck outside the pub on a friday night purely because the little guy had a better hold on the big guy, if something has something else in a good hold where they CAN'T MOVE then size does'nt come into it.

Over to you my learnered friend.


GG im sure you know without me telling you that even the hardest strongest of dogs in the right earth with the right stuff will find it hard to pot stuff that doesn t want to be stopped,so a wee tote of thing no matter how hard will be getting it harder than his medium sized brother. :thumbs: so if you ve only room for a few dogs then surely a few medium sized would be better than a few of nuttals mosquitos,which are purely bred for groundhog,so why justify it for the british /irish .Unless you are Nuttal? :whistling: my personal preference 12"? is a little on the short side for dogs anyhow.BUT thats for the majority of earths we do

pip u dont half talk some shit i ve got a 5 yr old nuttall dog thats been dug to atleast 150 times hes never put a foot wrong.

Im not on about Nuttal dogs the dogs im talking about are 10"small dogs bred small for the american market by nuttal and lads over here starting to believe you need mice to work in earths.My dogs have nuttals older stuff in them,what size is your nuttal dog and do you think its practical or beneficial to be breeding wee things,already most lads will tell you how difficult it is to get sizeable bitches,of course im not doubting individual dogs working ability but the dogs in britain /ireland in general need to be of a certain size to be practical

Edited by pip
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