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HW100 vs S410


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Both good,well made,accurate guns.I had a play around with both,the AA410c just felt a lot better for me the HW stock felt just to angular & the weight issue as with all HW,s.I do like the look of the 100 with the Bravarian sporter stock tho but try,play around with as many PCP guns if poss you,ll know what feels right for YOU :gunsmilie:

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Its all been said. You will not go wrong with either!


The HW is better built without doubt, but is typically German OVERengineered in my opinion which definately gives it a weight problem, but it will probably last forever.


The 410 is a great gun and you will seldom hear anything bad about it.


This is really going to simply come down to which one you are most comfortable with!



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I have the hw100 and i'd take it over the s410 that i use sometimes, but it is personal choice, you need to shoot both and decide for yourself. The Hw100 is heavy but it's comfortable and well balanced.


You'll probably be happy with either one, they're both good. :thumbs: although I do refute that the s410 is better :hmm:

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Probably two of the most talked about guns for a long time both fantastic pieces of kit and as many experianced people have replied to your post on the pros + cons of both guns I would recommend that you get a hold of both guns and see how they feel, only you will know and believe me you will as soon as you get hold of the right one. As Ratman2 quotes "not much help I know" but good luck in your quest and let us all know which one of these superb pieces of kit you choose.



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