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Advice on a trammel net


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  moley said:
  mole catcher said:
DANF.. i wouldnt worry about these two, there old sparing partners :boxing: just wait till one metions whats best, the trad net or quick set net? :laugh::laugh::laugh:

not going down that road again , i use what i like and bugger what anyone else thinks :bye:



wel the the feck have you been arguing about it with me all these years :whistling:

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  danf said:
I am about to start making a fifty yard trammel net with onehundred yards of 6z 2 1/8 for the middle wall, what size outerwalls would you reccomend six inch or nine inch meshes and also what size nylon to make the outer walls? .D.


I would reccomend 9" square mesh 3 meshes deep.Made from 8-10Z nylon. I wouldnt reccomend using 2 1/8 mesh for the middle wall, as you dont want the rabbits to get their heads through the mesh. the usual mesh size for a trammel inner net is 1 3/4 or 2". It is usually 7 meshes of small mesh to every 9" of square mesh. When a rabbit strikes a trammel net it pushes the small mesh through one of the 9" meshes, thats why you dont want bigger than 2" small mesh. Trammels work by actually pocketting the rabbit in the small mesh as it is pushed through the large mesh


hope this is of some help.

Master hunter

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  • 8 months later...
  Bubba_Gadoosh said:
I should have elaborated a bit; by nets i meant Trammel :icon_redface:

there are plenty of people that will tell you not to bother with trammels as they are not needed , these folk don,t know what they are talking about , a trammel is a bloody good tool in the right situation regardless of what non useres say , i use trammels for most of my day work , never at night , they are not the be all and end all of netting , same as conventional nets ,, but when you work alone , as i do often , they can be the difference between catching and holding a rabbit and not , weight is not a factor either, the carring of the rabbits you catch is the biggest problem ,not an extra pound or two of netting

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IMO,, the modern Trammel nets are PISH!!! yeah you can work them no probs by day takeing the odd bolter or two

but lets be honest here Todays Trammels are of inferioure quality... (spelling LOL )

!! Sure they can catch the Daylight Bunny or Two ,,

BUT can there holding power be any different from a Well rigged Tradditional net? Or pre- rigged system! Slack Netting? Mesh Size? AND the main thing Properly Rigged!!!? The Pro Rabbit Catchers will say that the Trammel is an inviable tool due to the smaller Inner Mesh thats set between the Walls which will account for any incoming Rabbit be them small or Adult,,,

Trammell Nets Have to be rigged properly to catch Any God given Species!! The Trammel nets that i have seen on Film this Day and Age wouldn't cause me a hindrence on night Work simply because inmo they aint a true Trammel Net...

Just a hinderence regarding the outer Walls "( more twine to carry )... Maybe my Old Fishing Net background has me swaying towards what I think of Trammels but rest assured my first love is the Humble Bunny,,,

This is what I call a Trammel net and rest asure You my old Mentors would slap me on the Head if i produced a Tool like this for night time escapades...( ps fek the call that a smaller mesh accounts for the smaller Bunny,,!! The Big Uns bounce of the Smaller Mesh!!! if it aint rigged properly!!FACT!!! ) Why is that you may ask ?? Simple ther aint enough slack netting in the Inner Mesh!! to accomadate the larger Bunny... It's a boring Factor whats best!!! .. Each to there own but personally if I was going to use a Trammel for Rabbits I would use a Net which had square outers like the one below...








Square Mesh Outer Walls..













Oh and this rigg does catch( Day Time)... But with this amount of Slack netting it would cause anyone grief!!








Now thats what I personally call a Trammel Net,,!!! Rigged to My Dimentions which I may add may not suite the next Guy!!! But this Rigg accounts for basically anything that enters It... What Moley has said in the above post is sound advice regarding the Trammel set up But and i will repeat BUT!! the above net aint your ordinary shop bought Kit.

Moley when I get the time, I will rigg you up one of these Nets! This rigg may suite You then again it may not!!!

Kind Regards....

Edited by netrigger
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that wasn,t a dig at you personally, bill, you know the reasons i use trammels , i,m not going down that road again , at least you have rigged one up and had a go , more than can be said for some that spout off about something they have not even bothered to try over a season or two , what with fagin (molecatcher) sending me a book and you making me a net , looks like xmas is coming early :clapper: now who else can i blag a freebee off ? :piggy:

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Trouble is netrigger, both you and i come from a rigging background dealing with fish and fishing tecneques. Most if not all rabbiters wont have seen let alone used a trammel rigged with enough belly to catch and hold a bolting rabbit. As we both know the depth of the inner wall for fishing is vastly deeper than the trammels sold for rabbiting, this depth maybe being a cause of problem to rabbiters. However, i would have no fear of setting (not working) a modern rigged rabbiting trammel in the dark as all its running kill will be held in place every few inches or so, unlike a longnet.

Moley, just out of intrest how many meshes deep are the inner walls on your trammels?

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Moley, just out of intrest how many meshes deep are the inner walls on your trammels?

15 meshes deep , these are bought nets as i,m not a netmaker and i assume they are from sheet netting , i have only ever made one long net ,a few stop nets and a few hundred purse nets , so i,m certainly not pro at rigging up nets , i am however a user of nets most days of the week and you get to know what is required as lost rabbits mean more effort in future


these trammels are not the be all ,end all of nets , i use them for a reason , not to be awkward , rabbits do bounce of em , same as most nets , but i think they hold a bigger percentage than a standard net and that suites me and my way of doing things , i catch thousands of rabbits each year as i rabbit for a living and if i,m getting it all wrong then i,m more than happy to be wrong and will live in ignorant bliss


i cannot be arsed to go thru this same old shite all the time , i you want to use trammels good luck, if you don,t , so be it :bye:

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Thats the thing moley, round and round we go so to speak, but they work for you so srick with it as they say ;) I myself find they work no better for me than a long net, be it basket or on endpins. Also i suppose where you work them has to be taken into consideration as well. Most of my netting is on some real shity ground, but then again so is some of yours i dare say :laugh: I would say though that if you ever get a chance to try out one of netriggers tramels you should take him up on it. That extra depth within the inner wall will certianly give you food for thought. ;)

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  mole catcher said:
Thats the thing moley, round and round we go so to speak, but they work for you so srick with it as they say ;) I myself find they work no better for me than a long net, be it basket or on endpins. Also i suppose where you work them has to be taken into consideration as well. Most of my netting is on some real shity ground, but then again so is some of yours i dare say :laugh: I would say though that if you ever get a chance to try out one of netriggers tramels you should take him up on it. That extra depth within the inner wall will certianly give you food for thought. ;)


its in hand :good:

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