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Out today.

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Myself, longdogrunner, Mrs longdogrunner and my friend all went out ferreting today. We had a frosty start at the park, popped two ferrets into the set at the cenotaph steps and nothing bolted? :blink::hmm: We usually get a couple from there. Not to worry, we moved on to the green shed and put the two ferrets in.



One got out through a hole we hadn't even seen :doh: then a few minutes later after a lot of noise we located the two of them right near the edge that we had previously blocked up on another outing :) That was the first one in the bag. Off we went to the sand dunes.


My friend putting lipstick on can you believe!!! :laugh:


We got to the dunes and the beach warden asked us to check the set near his hut, we did and got a rabbit within a few minutes, we stayed a bit longer but had no more there so we moved onto another set near a farm - the one we wanted to do was far too big so we're leaving that for a longnetting trip one night in the future. We netted up a few small sets and bolted nothing but the amount of people walking dogs right near us almost certainly didn't help :wallbash: My friend and Mrs longdogrunner never shut up either :laugh::laugh: This was longdogrunner talking about the size of their mouths :laugh::laugh:


My friend at work - after saying im not sure if I like ferreting :laugh:





We were all starving after a few hours so I said lets do one more set, I know where there's a small one a few hundred yards up the road. Off we went, set loads of nets and had two bolters almost straight away about 20 feet from where we put the ferrets in, we netted those holes up and after spending about 40 minutes therewe had two more for the pot :D Longdogrunners Mrs made a comment about me saying it was a small set - I honestly thought it was :icon_redface::laugh: We had a great time and a damn good laugh :yes:





End of day pic. :D


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good to see use out jules , been pretty busy to, have you still got the pics of the police dogs ahah i could do with getting them if poss to torment the local bobbys , bey the way never saw a nother cop localy

I've got them somewhere, I'll have a look and post them on here for you :laugh::laugh:

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good to see use out jules , been pretty busy to, have you still got the pics of the police dogs ahah i could do with getting them if poss to torment the local bobbys , bey the way never saw a nother cop localy

I've got them somewhere, I'll have a look and post them on here for you :laugh::laugh:


Here you go. :laugh:


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Looks like it all went well. Putting lippy on though :no::laugh:

Mrs Longdogrunner carrying the gear in her condition :whistling: or is that just a lot of jumpers on a cold day,- she's looking well.

A good post and photos JT.

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