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  witton said:



some old pics......need to get some more because she is looking a different dog now....

Bulked up alot more and getting marked up now she has seen some testing quarry.....its surprising how fast black dogs age....and little nicks n what not that on a brindle dog wouldn't even show stand out like a sore thumb. She has got a very fine coat.......her back legs got a very fine patch that looks like she is going bold.....By time she hits 3 years old she will look about 9 lol She has already got grey hairs lol haven't had her out for a propa night for past week and a half.....grounds like concrete day and night.....really need this weather to ease off abit because i want this bitch out again before the end of the season but running her now would end up with knocked toes. She has retrieved 3 single handed fox........and 7 doubled up. Not sure how many hares she has had but she has been retrieving them well....Had my problems with the bitch its taking an age for her to mature still quite puppyish in her mentality but time will sort that out. She has been used on some bigger stuff in past 2 weeks to fill the freezer which has started to switch her on abit more and has really fired her up. If she makes the grade......then when it cums time to breed a litter ill be putting her to something with more bull in to bring out the bull abit more and water down the saluki blood abit. Hoping to keep the stamina but increase the strength and bull mentality. I need a strong game dog that will run all night. She has been a very usefull dog for us.....pups will not be for sale tho....will be kept between me and a select thew. Im very against the idea of breeding a litter to sell but each to there own. This bitches stamina really is good.......as a thew have seen this bitch never tires. I can see thsi bitch doing good things next season.......so in a thew years time she will be a good bitch for me to start my line from.....She has got very good breeding, and ill be keeping the line going for many years to come.


whot had killed the fox mate looks like 40 ton truck RTA was it :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
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