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HW 80


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i've had an 80 for 15+ years, tunned it myself with a V-mach kit and it puts out 22ft/lb with little recoile.

i also have a venom tunned 77K in .177 and a .22 97k

for hunting i would only ever take the HW80 with me, it's a sweet shooting power house will take rabbits out to 50 yards on a good day and where the range is know.

but at 22ft/lb it's flying almost as flat as a normal .177.

i think for a self contained ,no power curve gun it's hard to beat.




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first "propper" gun i had was a hw 35, shot more quarry with that than i will probably ever shoot with my s410,

of course i was young and enthusiastic back then and had few of lifes complications, so a lot of time was spent out mooching with the 35. had an 80 for a while a few years on and allways thought it was lovely smooth gun, have no idea what lb it was shooting at but supprised myself a few times with the distance i could drop critters at.

has anyone read a book called "power without powder"??

it had a lot of info on getting the 80 up to some serious power with various mods.

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  • 1 month later...

Well i was asking my Dad to get me a new air rifle soon and i was naggin for a pcp one and he was saying you dont need on of them you can just get what i used to have,

i asked him what it was and he said the HW80 he said its the best gun he ever owned and i remember storries about us shooting rats at about 50 yards from my patio to the oposite bank on the river because we had a river running through out garden.

But the he had another spring put into it and then a scilencer and this was back in the early 90's he used to go up the mountain and shoot rabbits for him mates python and he used to bring some back home to us but he also shot hairs on the run but this was only once he said it was a luck shot he thought he missed because he seen the dry ground shoot up behind i and it kept running but it ran about another 20 yards and just droped stone coled dead. he also said he took a fox out at 20 yards with big pramythias pellets the gun was turned up to 21ft/lb so no dout it would drop a fox.

and he also said it shot through a steel 30 gallen drum i think thats what he said.

so by the sounds of it, it is a cracking gun to get but the only downfall he said it weighed a tone :gunsmilie:

Good luck hunters :gunsmilie:

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