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Burrell lies at Diana inquest

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Alas, we live in an age where little is sacred, Money rules and people will go to any lengths to achieve it. Without Dianna, Burrell would be a nobody, just another ex employee, and yes he lies, like the media lies, to sell stories, make money and cause gossip. A very sad world we live in.

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As the sole reason of his fame is Diana and she is dead he'll keep rearing his ugly moneygrabbing head everytime his funds start to dwindle

Unfortunately as long as the reality shows, tabloids and talk shows keep welcoming him with open arms this little rat will keep "remembering" new tidbits of rubbish for many a year to come :thumbdown:

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Its time this whole thing was dropped, for everyone's ake. For goodness sake, what will they do br=ing her back to life next week?


The real villain in this, and I don't for one min think he's not suffered at the loss of his son, is Muhamud Al Fayed; its he who pushes and pushes this, and one only has to see his outbursts to reporters and others to see how much of a fool he is.

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