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Stroppy vixen

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We were on an estate in Wiltshire on which the keeper has a zero telerance for foxes and today was no exception .We marked one in a bank ,in a two holer that runs deep ,and of course we had to have it out .Little pat bitch was selected as shes not seen any work this week.In she flies and starts baying way back in the bank then the sound fades to nothing .Belman says 3.7 so we wait ,and wait but its no good ,shes there to stay .The going is easy here for the first metre or so then its layers of rock,sand then more rock ,right down to the tube .Started at 2pm and got to her at 5.30 pm.A decent dig by any standards .The fox was giving this courageous bitch a hard time ,she usually has a good mouthful on breakthrough but she was off this one baying like hell.The dig was slightly off centre and a tunnel off was needed to get to terms.Drew the dog and the fox raced into the dig to press home an attack on my boots!Gun was passed down and fox shot .Well pleased with my mates bitch on this one and good to get a result so close to the keepers house .


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