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Show strain lakelands

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Hey everyone I am new here but have owned 3 showtype lakelands. I have been browsing this site for a while and I see that a lot of you dont have any faith in kennel club bred dogs working capabilities. Now I am playing devils advocate so lets keep this civil.


I understand the case made for working bred dogs and I agree if you breed workers you should get workers its common sense and genetics. Now from my experience my Kennel club Lakelands have a lot of drive and instinct. I never saw their suitability as a earthdog but I have seen them kill many oppossumm, squirells I have one that use to be able to flat out run a rabbit when he was younger. Two of these dogs were easily spannable and the other was on the big side. Now I know that these dogs ancestors had to come from working stock many generations ago. The same genetics are flowing through their veins as some of these working dogs and I honestly don't believe that instinct could be lost to the extent some people say it is. I am not saying my dogs are as good as a worker as say some of your working dogs. I will say I know two of my 3 dogs have the drive and instinct to be decent working dogs. They do things that are terrier like and that the common dog could not be trained to do (The instinct is still there).


What are your thoughts?


Have any of you use kennel club bred dogs with success

Edited by frosty
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If I wanted a dog for herding sheep, shooting over, coursing, digging, racing, guarding, sportwork etc etc the last place I would go is a kennel that bases its lines on showing. Its hard enough getting a good worker without limiting the odds by buying from parents that aren't tested but may have some working blood ten generations ago...................

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  Kate said:
How many here have ever tried any reasonably sound & sane purebred animal? How many are as equally bigoted as the pet-people but just in the opposite direction?


I get so weary of the same old granny-tales being accepted as gospel & passed along as such,when I've seen those myths disproved.

I have tried reasonably sane & purebred animals Kate- Rottweilers, Shepherds, Mals and multiple terrier types. I've tried the first three in sport and in service. I've also witnessed working herding animals and retrievers/pointers at work. The ones bred for work from workers were better by FAR- hands down, no contest. I've rarely seen a great animal come from nondescript show breeding (although I have) while I've seen it too many times to count the other way. I guess it depends on each persons standard of work though. For my safety and time digging, I'll stick with working lines. ;)

Edited by F.R.
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  frosty said:
Hey everyone I am new here but have owned 3 showtype lakelands. I have been browsing this site for a while and I see that a lot of you dont have any faith in kennel club bred dogs working capabilities. Now I am playing devils advocate so lets keep this civil.


I understand the case made for working bred dogs and I agree if you breed workers you should get workers its common sense and genetics. Now from my experience my Kennel club Lakelands have a lot of drive and instinct. I never saw their suitability as a earthdog but I have seen them kill many oppossumm, squirells I have one that use to be able to flat out run a rabbit when he was younger. Two of these dogs were easily spannable and the other was on the big side. Now I know that these dogs ancestors had to come from working stock many generations ago. The same genetics are flowing through their veins as some of these working dogs and I honestly don't believe that instinct could be lost to the extent some people say it is. I am not saying my dogs are as good as a worker as say some of your working dogs. I will say I know two of my 3 dogs have the drive and instinct to be decent working dogs. They do things that are terrier like and that the common dog could not be trained to do (The instinct is still there).


What are your thoughts?


Have any of you use kennel club bred dogs with success


Firstly you have to ask yourself why are they not suitable for earth work, the purpose for which they were originally bred? secondly from what you have stated that they are killing above ground does not mean a lot (IMO) as any type of dog could kill an animal above ground for many reasons including terroritorial or just aggression much the same as dogs kill cats. with regards to genetics IMO you will get the odd dog that may show some interest in working simple maths but the more you bred show to show the more you dilute their working ability and the less likely you will have a working dog

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  Kate said:
All of my dogs are registered,show bred *&* do just fine,thanks. They don't have to be fugly to work.

I just got word & a couple of pics of pups I'd sold to a pet-home.....killed a possum in their backyard the other night. First time they'd ever seen any vermin in their lives,never encouraged on anything.

some 5 minute wonderdogs can kill quarry above ground but the dog has to be of a different calibre altogether doing it single handed underground on a regular basis & especially if its not all going his way. If you had show terriers & decided to try digging to those dogs week in week out you'd be in for a big shock. Then after it had sunken in that your showbred dogs were not quite up to the digging game, if you had any sense you'd shoot the f*****g lot & look for some pups that have been bred from good PROVEN dogs for generations. Live in the real world Kate :wallbash:

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Guest oldskool
  Simoman said:
If I wanted a dog for herding sheep, shooting over, coursing, digging, racing, guarding, sportwork etc etc the last place I would go is a kennel that bases its lines on showing. Its hard enough getting a good worker without limiting the odds by buying from parents that aren't tested but may have some working blood ten generations ago...................




:yes: :yes: :yes:




i had/have a KC lakeland... supposedly from working stock... f****r had no instinct at all other than to shite in the house :laugh:

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  terrier man said:
well id nearly stake my life on it any wired hair fox terrier will work there deamons of terriers too game if anything!

tell ya lad your right their had one with papers from good show line and he was animal of a dog lost him few weeks back hunting cover we reckon he went to ground they are a very head strong dog anthing he put his thick head to that was that!! some dog to travell ground keen out fox dog!! firey dog give me arm to have him back :doh:

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  terrier man said:
well id nearly stake my life on it any wired hair fox terrier will work there deamons of terriers too game if anything![/quote had a whole different statement wrote there but took it off dont want the hassle but terrierman that is one stupid statement :clapper:
Edited by stevie g 2005
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Now if you have workers and you bred them for looks how is all that talent going to be diluted. Your not crossbreeding these dogs too poodles but to other "working" terriers that have a trait you are looking for. Now granted if you breed worker to worker generation after generation you will get a higher percentage of workers than say those show dogs. But you can't even claim that the show bred terriers dont have the traits that their ancestors had. Where in gods name would those genes gone? Those genes are still there maybe not in the abundance than the working dogs but they are there, its simple genetics.

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  frosty said:
Now if you have workers and you bred them for looks how is all that talent going to be diluted. Your not crossbreeding these dogs too poodles but to other "working" terriers that have a trait you are looking for. Now granted if you breed worker to worker generation after generation you will get a higher percentage of workers than say those show dogs. But you can't even claim that the show bred terriers dont have the traits that their ancestors had. Where in gods name would those genes gone? Those genes are still there maybe not in the abundance than the working dogs but they are there, its simple genetics.

mate what u call working is the problem and if u keep thinking down them lines thats up to u but imo when u start worrying more what they look like rather than what they work like ur aking trouble u tell me many of them lakelands u see at shows for starters most are to big in the chest nowadays for my likeing are worked week in week out i bet u not many they wouldnt take the chance of a few scars

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its all about playing the odds isnt it? just a big numbers game. I for one am not a rich man , and would bet the safe money on the working blood rather than the show blood. And when you stop to think of it, the working blood is alot cheaper than the show blood too now isnt it. so buy aworker for two reasons. A improved overall odds on getting a workier from a worker, and B working blood is cheaper than show blood.

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