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Sad Day

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  leegreen said:
  mole trapper said:
  leegreen said:
The keeper told us yesterday that he has to cull the hares as the farmer is sick of inconciderate dick heads driving across his crops with 4x4's coursing hares, he has also told us he is to go on a propane pest control course for rabbits :( .

This is a very sad day as we had a real good thing going, using great respect and knowledge to keep the game under control but still leaving enough to continue to reap food from the land.

I fecking hate liberty taking arse holes who feck it up and give decent people a bad name, what a bunch of WAN#ERS.


Not being funny, but what is he going on a propane gas course for ?, that is what you use in heaters. :hmm:


They are now using propane gas to blow rabbit earths. Kills every thing where it lays, BOOM :o


That means if i am not mistaken that he is using an Erodinator, this is only classed as use for demolishing empty burrows, not for killing ocupants of used warrens. :nono::rtfm:

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  bitsa lurcher said:
  moter poacher said:
  bitsa lurcher said:
  roystoncrankted said:
yes thats it blame the driving boys every one i know who drives only drives on land they have permission on and would never venture onto land where they dont have permission :thumbs:


why not walk then , don't get me wrong i believe in each to his own and all that ...... but why feel the need to drive a 4x4 after your chosen quarry and then chuck the dog at it ?????

because you walk 20 mile half fecking fecked just for some lads in a moter to pull up and say alright lads you had much :icon_eek: you say i one or two runs they laugh and say feck me we just had 14?has for chucking the dog at something,useing a moter to get up to stuff is no differant imoa than sqeaking a fox right in just to slip the dog :icon_eek: for other peoples comments on damaging crops,i knew someone who was getting prosecuted for driveing the land 50 quid a sqare yard :icon_eek: anyway all charges were dropped has between the cutting of corn to march,it was proved there was no case has nothing was growing with in the specific times?has for been lazy what about when the feilds are un driveable,does everyone sit at home till its dry again no,they walk the land just,to get out?but like you said everyone to there own

with all insults and p*ss taking put to one side , i have been out several times in a mates 4x4 and i can honestly say thaqt i much prefer to walk the ground ,, but as we have allready said each to his own ........ it is a sad state of affairs though when the land owner/farmer has been pushed to the degree of wanting to cull the hares on his/ her ground .... and all because of numpty's in a 4x4 ..... at the end of the day it gives all 4x4 drivers a bad name

several times before you realised not for you phew slow on the uptake
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  bitsa lurcher said:
  moter poacher said:
  bitsa lurcher said:
  roystoncrankted said:
yes thats it blame the driving boys every one i know who drives only drives on land they have permission on and would never venture onto land where they dont have permission :thumbs:


why not walk then , don't get me wrong i believe in each to his own and all that ...... but why feel the need to drive a 4x4 after your chosen quarry and then chuck the dog at it ?????

because you walk 20 mile half fecking fecked just for some lads in a moter to pull up and say alright lads you had much :icon_eek: you say i one or two runs they laugh and say feck me we just had 14?has for chucking the dog at something,useing a moter to get up to stuff is no differant imoa than sqeaking a fox right in just to slip the dog :icon_eek: for other peoples comments on damaging crops,i knew someone who was getting prosecuted for driveing the land 50 quid a sqare yard :icon_eek: anyway all charges were dropped has between the cutting of corn to march,it was proved there was no case has nothing was growing with in the specific times?has for been lazy what about when the feilds are un driveable,does everyone sit at home till its dry again no,they walk the land just,to get out?but like you said everyone to there own

with all insults and p*ss taking put to one side , i have been out several times in a mates 4x4 and i can honestly say thaqt i much prefer to walk the ground ,, but as we have allready said each to his own ........ it is a sad state of affairs though when the land owner/farmer has been pushed to the degree of wanting to cull the hares on his/ her ground .... and all because of numpty's in a 4x4 ..... at the end of the day it gives all 4x4 drivers a bad name

just to had bitsa not everyone is like that mate,at the end of the day whichever method of hunting we going to use,people are going to do it regardless :thumbs:

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Guest bitsa lurcher

with all insults and p*ss taking put to one side , i have been out several times in a mates 4x4 and i can honestly say thaqt i much prefer to walk the ground ,, but as we have allready said each to his own ........ it is a sad state of affairs though when the land owner/farmer has been pushed to the degree of wanting to cull the hares on his/ her ground .... and all because of numpty's in a 4x4 ..... at the end of the day it gives all 4x4 drivers a bad name

just to had bitsa not everyone is like that mate,at the end of the day whichever method of hunting we going to use,people are going to do it regardless :thumbs:


i don't suppose there is any way of stopping the numpty's ......... at the end of the day they are here to stay :yes:

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  mole trapper said:
  leegreen said:
  mole trapper said:
  leegreen said:
The keeper told us yesterday that he has to cull the hares as the farmer is sick of inconciderate dick heads driving across his crops with 4x4's coursing hares, he has also told us he is to go on a propane pest control course for rabbits :( .

This is a very sad day as we had a real good thing going, using great respect and knowledge to keep the game under control but still leaving enough to continue to reap food from the land.

I fecking hate liberty taking arse holes who feck it up and give decent people a bad name, what a bunch of WAN#ERS.


Not being funny, but what is he going on a propane gas course for ?, that is what you use in heaters. :hmm:


They are now using propane gas to blow rabbit earths. Kills every thing where it lays, BOOM :o


That means if i am not mistaken that he is using an Erodinator, this is only classed as use for demolishing empty burrows, not for killing ocupants of used warrens. :nono::rtfm:

That is probably correct and to be quite honest I'm not exactly sure how it works. It must surely demolish some rabbits aswell :cry:

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ive drove stubbles for a few decades and caught enought to fill several skips, if you want to harvest game in numbers, were i hunt the only way as not all nights are perfect , you are not damaging feilds driving stubbles your dogs are superbly fit you are of the main drag, so not much chance of the plod comeing in, plus you can park at a woodside away from prying eyes do the biz , hide youre pockle and away to the next feild to harvest game ,plus the dogs get a breather and a drink between places ,what i must say is you should never drive a sown feild espec when wet etc thtas for only fools , go catch out quick and on to the next not every bodies cup of tea but im not here to serve everybodies ways all the best to those who choose there own paths

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  baldockbanks courser said:
i walk the fields, some of my mates drive em. my mates are on and off. iv got more respect but am more likely to get a hidding! the farmers and land owners of cambs lincs and herts should give out permission then they wouldnt have half the agg. iv got no sympaphie for these rich arable farmers at all. :D

Thats a bit heavy.

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what happens when all the hares on the farmers land are culled :icon_eek: wont people lamping just move on to nehibouring ground,and so on so on?i cant really understand why anybody would want to use the moter to run hares anyhow,its not if theres only one to every 10 mile :whistling: especially if its a place there is plenty :icon_eek:

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  moter poacher said:
  roystoncrankted said:
well folks its time to fire up the suby tit her up with petrol oh not forgetting the bolt croppers and the night vision goggles happy hunting everyone :boogie:

:icon_eek: dont forget the dogs ted will you :icon_eek:

got none sold em all am that fat a couldnt be arsed walking em al get some more when weather gets better though :icon_redface:

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