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Out this afternoon


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Went out this afternoon with my grandson and managed to bolt 5 bunnies into pursnets but the most wierd thing happened whilst i have had a fox appear from a hole with a purse net on its head for the first time today my jllls managed to bolt a squirrel into a purse net. I thought it was a small rabbit to start with then it freed it's self and ran up a tree.What the heck was it doing down a burrow ?

sorry no end of day photo.

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Went out this afternoon with my grandson and managed to bolt 5 bunnies into pursnets but the most wierd thing happened whilst i have had a fox appear from a hole with a purse net on its head for the first time today my jllls managed to bolt a squirrel into a purse net. I thought it was a small rabbit to start with then it freed it's self and ran up a tree.What the heck was it doing down a burrow ?

sorry no end of day photo.


maybe the squirrel was after some young bunnies too

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Guest little_lloyd

Theres a large warren on my ground,, in a very tall thick hedge,, with a few oak/willow trees and ive seen squirrels run down the warren before,, never bolted them with the ferrets,, But then again ive not ferreted that warren,, But would be intresting. We just mark6 it and would pick up the odd squig.

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