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anyone from oz ?

Guest bigredbusa

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I'm near Brisbane....

Stop telling stories Ginger Nuts, yes we have had a fair amount of rain since Mr Stabs made the big move, but we have been in the worst drought this country has seen since records started. If you are really concerned with the heat head for Victoria or Tasmania, beautiful places. NSW is a shithole end of story.

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I ment regarding the heat- Perths ok, its cooler a bit further south, say Bunbury and below, but to be honest the heat isnt too bad you'll get used to it and its not everyday in summer you just get a few real hot days and the rest pleasant hot days!!

I like Perth but I stay out of the city, I like more open spaces and less people

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I'm near Brisbane....

Stop telling stories Ginger Nuts, yes we have had a fair amount of rain since Mr Stabs made the big move, but we have been in the worst drought this country has seen since records started. If you are really concerned with the heat head for Victoria or Tasmania, beautiful places. NSW is a shithole end of story.


Fair amount? That's an understatement mate :laugh:


You don't like NSW then? :whistling:

I heard you had a bad experience in Kings Cross a few years ago :laugh:

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I liked NSW it was just boring. in QLD its a nice heat. we used to go on the great barrier reef every weekend and its amazing. we did a few weeks in alice springs and Qld outback F**K me now thats hot in the summer esp when my bloody parents insisted on us all going gem digging, then my dad getting us lost on a walk with big reds looking at us left right and centre lol

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haha those big reds can be grumpy b*****ds too at times


Perth is ok, its the most isolated city in the world they say!! we have just come out of a record heat wave too, most days of 35degree's celcius in a row or something like that.


game wise, qld is probably a decent place to be, lots of feral pigs depending on hwere you are


Western australia is booming at the moment, mining is going off, big demand for tradies


also as far as heat goes, teh further north you go the hotter it is, the more inland you go the hotter it is again... an example my dad was in south australia at some mining town and it was 50degrees there, and the towns power broke, so they nearly all died of heatstroke


every year they mention on the news about pommys who either die, or get hospitalised because of the heat, so you need to be a little careful


perhaps if you move over, do it in winter, so you can slowly acclimatise, instead of jumping straigh into the fire so to speak


mate here who just became an aussie resident from the UK has some UK fellas here at the moment, the heats been knocking them around pretty badly, but like i said we have been on a record heat wave here

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I'm near Brisbane....

Stop telling stories Ginger Nuts, yes we have had a fair amount of rain since Mr Stabs made the big move, but we have been in the worst drought this country has seen since records started. If you are really concerned with the heat head for Victoria or Tasmania, beautiful places. NSW is a shithole end of story.


Fair amount? That's an understatement mate :laugh:


You don't like NSW then? :whistling:

I heard you had a bad experience in Kings Cross a few years ago :laugh:

Ha f#cking ha Ginger Nuts, it spoke like a woman, honest!

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my dad goes pig hunting in new zealand, its nice there not too hot and not too cold lol they live in nelson and work for a company called fulton hogan, they got straight in and in 3 years they become residents of oz, and before you all say my mam has checked all this out and is on the phone to immigration all the time. they couldnt get into oz as they where both 41 and 43 TOO old haha so nz was a long cut

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