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work in progress hutch

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I dont think the materials are suitable, if its chipboard, the moisture will get in and it'll swell, rot, and wont last long...



its mostly mdf mate, only bit of chip board ive used is for top floor but its going to be coverd by tiles to keep the water ect out and im going to B&Q monday to get some ply wood

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I dont think the materials are suitable, if its chipboard, the moisture will get in and it'll swell, rot, and wont last long...



its mostly mdf mate, only bit of chip board ive used is for top floor but its going to be coverd by tiles to keep the water ect out and im going to B&Q monday to get some ply wood



MDF will soak up water like a spunge mate :thumbs:

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I dont think the materials are suitable, if its chipboard, the moisture will get in and it'll swell, rot, and wont last long...



its mostly mdf mate, only bit of chip board ive used is for top floor but its going to be coverd by tiles to keep the water ect out and im going to B&Q monday to get some ply wood



MDF will soak up water like a spunge mate :thumbs:



oh buggery, most of it is coverd in some kind of viynl if that will help, and im going to use felt on the roof :wallbash:

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massive mistake :doh: M D F no no no no it soaks water up like a sponge and think of the smell when wee is soaked in to it :sick: and laminated chipboard :no: NO NO it also soaks up the water .The flooring it looks like it in two bits bad mistake the ferrets will scratch at it and make a hole and escape :no: .and the batten looks like 1/2 inch x 1 inch in my opinion its not going to be stong enough nore will it stand ferrets chewing at it for too long .


the cages i've built are 2x2 framed with 18mm ply flooring with a 4mm plastic cover and part sides for easy cleaning 11mm ply sides and a polycarb roof :drink:

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massive mistake :doh: M D F no no no no it soaks water up like a sponge and think of the smell when wee is soaked in to it :sick: and laminated chipboard :no: NO NO it also soaks up the water .The flooring it looks like it in two bits bad mistake the ferrets will scratch at it and make a hole and escape :no: .and the batten looks like 1/2 inch x 1 inch in my opinion its not going to be stong enough nore will it stand ferrets chewing at it for too long .


the cages i've built are 2x2 framed with 18mm ply flooring with a 4mm plastic cover and part sides for easy cleaning 11mm ply sides and a polycarb roof :drink:



ahhh :wallbash::wallbash: so basically ive fecked up. ill get some ply and get it sorted ill let you know how it goes.


2x2 isnt that a little small? feet or meters?

Edited by paddy.t
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looks like all the others have beat me too it, was going to say the same, MDF, and chipboard a big no no,

get yourself a sheet of shuttering ply, the thicker the better, I just got 3 sheets (8x4) at £19 each

2"x2" (inches) to make your box framework, or if you go for 19mm ply, you could get away with 2"x1"

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i would use 12mm exterior ply screwed and glued to a 38mm x 22mm frame work or 18mm exterior ply glued and screwed together using no frame work .stay away from mdf mate its no good for hutches especially as it will soak up moisture and swell plus they use famalderide in it and it lets of fumes if not sealed so not very good for the poor old ferret.


good hunting



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We used Oriented strand board (OSB) - grades 3 & 4 are water resistant, for the shuttering and a 6 inch concrete floor.


The walls have been sanded, sealed and the given 3 coats of gloss. This was to make it easier to wipe down and keep sterile.


MDF is very expensive, OSB is £12 a board at 2.4mx1.2m



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We used Oriented strand board (OSB) - grades 3 & 4 are water resistant, for the shuttering and a 6 inch concrete floor.


The walls have been sanded, sealed and the given 3 coats of gloss. This was to make it easier to wipe down and keep sterile.


MDF is very expensive, OSB is £12 a board at 2.4mx1.2m




ill have a look for that mate, think my dad can get some shuttering from work fingers crossed. and ive also glossed they hutch i have at the min a lot easyer to keep clean :thumbs: cheers

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