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bit of help training

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last night i went out with my new air rifle, it wasnt too long before i had shot a couple of wood pigeon the problem was i couldnt find them in the scrub for love nor money. so i thought i could go and get my dog and she would get em out, which she did but also felt obliged to eat half of the dam things before i go to them. sally my dog is a whippet staff cross, shes quite obedient and learns pretty well but when it comes to things such as other animals i just cant call her off a scent or a chase and if she catches something get it off her before she eats it. she is now about three is there a way i can teach her to 1. come off a chase 2. stop her from shredding my kill 3. get her to retrieve.

we got her from the age of 1 about and do not know her history. i was thinking keeping her on a length of para chord(quite long) getting her to retrieve on that then rewarding her hopefully eventually getting her off the rope.


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