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court designs

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Mines a bit basic compared to some but its better than just a hutch and its all built of scrap timber so it was free!

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  • 11 months later...

I am wanting to get a few ferrets. Obviously I would like to make sure that they have somewhere nice to live first.


The picture of your ferret court looks perfect for the space that I have got. I was wondering if you had a set of plans or a cutting list?


Many thanks,







Just got one of these to clean it out. Takes about 3 mins now :p



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bet you've got some super fit ferrets Doddsy!

That is one amazing run, I wonder just how many ferrets it could accommodate, especially if you're extending it.




At the moment there are 31. 25 jills and 6 hobs. The hobs are in hutches at the moment and i want to extend it to give them some exercise space.

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Definitely the design i'm shooting for.. great setup there Dodsy... what do you have on the court floor outside ?


The floor is concrete but it is covered in wood bark in the picture. I have now changed the floor to straw because they love burrowing and generally frollicking about.

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Definitely the design i'm shooting for.. great setup there Dodsy... what do you have on the court floor outside ?


The floor is concrete but it is covered in wood bark in the picture. I have now changed the floor to straw because they love burrowing and generally frollicking about.



Do you not have any problems with ticks and fleas ? or as some people have said ferrets getting hard bits inbedded in ermm soft spots ?


I've always been told straw isn't the right stuff to use but im finding less and less reasons why lol


also what about when it rains does it get manky ?

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Definitely the design i'm shooting for.. great setup there Dodsy... what do you have on the court floor outside ?


The floor is concrete but it is covered in wood bark in the picture. I have now changed the floor to straw because they love burrowing and generally frollicking about.



Do you not have any problems with ticks and fleas ? or as some people have said ferrets getting hard bits inbedded in ermm soft spots ?


I've always been told straw isn't the right stuff to use but im finding less and less reasons why lol


also what about when it rains does it get manky ?


I only use straw in the outside and ive had no problems with ticks or fleas although if you get gerren hay they can be a problem then. As for when it rains, it just gets wet. I change it once a month 2 bales it takes to do the whole floor and as the only go to toilet in the corners it gets picked up and burnt.

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