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A carbon monoxide detector, they last 4 months, i have been sent 4 , 1 of which i will keep so theres 3 more if anyone wants one, was thinking people with little kiddies as they will no doubt have the heating & gas fire on lots :thumbs:

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Kay that's really kind of you. If nobody's spoken for it, I'd make use of it. Got three kiddies in the house and been meaning to get one.


If you just pm me your address then please :thumbs:


theres 1 more left now

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Thats a very kind offer Kay.


A friend of mine was found dead in his armchair a week ago. They think it was Carbon Monoxide from a knackered old Rayburn.


You can't be too careful. Its a silent killer.



Oh thats sad :no:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
A friend of mine was found dead in his armchair a week ago. They think it was Carbon Monoxide from a knackered old Rayburn.



:icon_eek: Bloody hell, Matt! I didn't know they could do that! Thank f*ck my place is so 'well ventillated' then.


Kay; How do these things work then? (He said. Interest suddenly piqued!) Only I've seen them in town somewhere and may be looking into this now!

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They thought he'd had a heart attack at first, but H&S are now involved. It was an estate cottage (lions..) and the shit is just about to hit the fan by the sounds of things...........


I had never heard of a rayburn causing this either. Makes you think though doesn't it?


My advice to anyone with a fire/stove/woodburner is: BUY A DETECTOR. I'm off to get one myself this weekend.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Bit f*cking disturbing that, mate. I've never really understood this CM lark. Always thought it had to do with faulty gas boilers. Something about coal keeps buzzing round my head with it though :hmm:


Well, like I say, this place really is so drafty, ye couldn't choke me with a Smoker in here. And I've about stopped bothering with the range for this 'winter' now anyway. Especially as I have some calor gaz in the living room fire.


'Mind you; I've bunged the fire place up with rubbish, to keep the warmth in, and now have the most outrageous bloody cough! Breathing in burned off calor all night, no doubt!


I'll most definately be looking into one of these detector kiddies for the next cold season though. Have to think of my Dogs.


Thanks for the heads up on that one. Sorry it had to eminate from such tragic circumstances :(

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my place is so 'well ventillated'


That'll be tea all over the PC again Ditch . . . that is an understatement I should say :D


I will also be looking into the CO detector issue myself - I have a gas powered AGA in my kitchen fireplace so that has to put me at some risk I would think. Are they just a DIY store thing?? I might pop out and get one this afternoon just to be on the safe side.



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A friend of mine was found dead in his armchair a week ago. They think it was Carbon Monoxide from a knackered old Rayburn.



:icon_eek: Bloody hell, Matt! I didn't know they could do that! Thank f*ck my place is so 'well ventillated' then.


Kay; How do these things work then? (He said. Interest suddenly piqued!) Only I've seen them in town somewhere and may be looking into this now!


I dont really know to be honest but this is the leaflet that accompanies the detectors








I didnt realise it was coal fires as well just thought it was gas appliances :o

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:hmm: , just to make sure they work, can I come over and maybe we could find some way of raising the room temperature/get things "smokin" :laugh::drink:


You would be hard pressed to get the temerature above freezing here, my finger tips are blue this morning its so bloody cold :laugh: but i would welcome a hug even if its to get the circulation going again :laugh:

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