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Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Reccomend what ye f*ckin like, mate; If ye want to send me a disc, I'll give it a play! :laugh:


No, I s'pose REM is what ye'd call " safe ". But I probably prefer that level. The Boss, 'Tull, 'Floyd; That's my staple listening. Only, in a desperate effort to squeeze what life I'm able out of this dying machine, I've stripped it back to the bone and so am now feeding it individual cd's through my little external drive. That's led me to look further than my customary on board play list and so I've been digging out the forgotten sections of my small CD collection.


Already tonight I've had Catatonia, followed by Steeleye Span (!) and next I shall probably try a drop of Roger Chapman ;)


Pretty 'Safe' sort of guy, see? ..... Unless ye should happen to approach this place, after dark and unannounced! But then, that goes for most of us Bog Billys anyway! :laugh:


Anyway, ye want " A whole new listening experience " ? Try " An Electronic Nightmare in Hell " by White Noise. Or how about " H To He Who Am The Only One ", Van Der Graff Generator ?



Ditch Shitter: " Wounded, Old and Trecherous " ? Certainly not always quite as 'safe' as he may seem 8)

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Reccomend what ye f*ckin like, mate; If ye want to send me a disc, I'll give it a play! :laugh:


No, I s'pose REM is what ye'd call " safe ". But I probably prefer that level. The Boss, 'Tull, 'Floyd; That's my staple listening. Only, in a desperate effort to squeeze what life I'm able out of this dying machine, I've stripped it back to the bone and so am now feeding it individual cd's through my little external drive. That's led me to look further than my customary on board play list and so I've been digging out the forgotten sections of my small CD collection.


Already tonight I've had Catatonia, followed by Steeleye Span (!) and next I shall probably try a drop of Roger Chapman ;)


Pretty 'Safe' sort of guy, see? ..... Unless ye should happen to approach this place, after dark and unannounced! But then, that goes for most of us Bog Billys anyway! :laugh:


Anyway, ye want " A whole new listening experience " ? Try " An Electronic Nightmare in Hell " by White Noise. Or how about " H To He Who Am The Only One ", Van Der Graff Generator ?



Ditch Shitter: " Wounded, Old and Trecherous " ? Certainly not always quite as 'safe' as he may seem 8)


Steeleye Span???............Padstow!! Whata song....whats that one they sing about fox hunting??

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Fox Hunting? Christ! Ye've lost me there, mate. One time I considered myself a real fan of theirs. Till I mentioned this to a girl I was chatting with and she started murmering the lyrics to " Spotted Cow " under her breath. I realised then I hadn't heard anywhere Near 'all' their stuff!


I built up quite a collection of their albums. But, like Jethro Tull; Do as ye might, they're buggers to catch up with. SO prolific!


Sad fact is, I left my entire record collection behind, some twenty odd years ago, when life took one of those turns. I've not got anything like the average stack now and can't even remember half of what I ever did have.


I don't know if ye'd remember that programme though, " Electric Folk " ? Maybe not as this would have been about thirty years ago now. But they were on there and did one of 'their' numbers: " I Have My Dogs, I Have My Ferrets " ! Nuff f*kking said, surely! :D

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Reccomend what ye f*ckin like, mate; If ye want to send me a disc, I'll give it a play! :laugh:


No, I s'pose REM is what ye'd call " safe ". But I probably prefer that level. The Boss, 'Tull, 'Floyd; That's my staple listening. Only, in a desperate effort to squeeze what life I'm able out of this dying machine, I've stripped it back to the bone and so am now feeding it individual cd's through my little external drive. That's led me to look further than my customary on board play list and so I've been digging out the forgotten sections of my small CD collection.


Already tonight I've had Catatonia, followed by Steeleye Span (!) and next I shall probably try a drop of Roger Chapman ;)


Pretty 'Safe' sort of guy, see? ..... Unless ye should happen to approach this place, after dark and unannounced! But then, that goes for most of us Bog Billys anyway! :laugh:


Anyway, ye want " A whole new listening experience " ? Try " An Electronic Nightmare in Hell " by White Noise. Or how about " H To He Who Am The Only One ", Van Der Graff Generator ?



Ditch Shitter: " Wounded, Old and Trecherous " ? Certainly not always quite as 'safe' as he may seem 8)


Ditch, check out Nick Cave on Youtube or PM me your address and I'll rip you off a copy. Cheers, D.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

On ye Twenty Third, Oss'?! F*ck me! They still going? Maddy must be in her bloody sixties by now?! Scarey thought!


'Mind you, poor Ian couldn't stand on one leg and play his flute now ~ He needs to keep one hand on his Zimmer Frame now too! ( :laugh: Naah. Saw them just ten years ago. He Does talk of the time when he had " Hair "; But " Aqualung " still f*cking nearly brought the roof down! :toast: )


Dytkos; I'll PM ye in a minute. Ye'll have it by the time ye read this ;) Cheers, mate. God knows what I'll make of it. But I'll give anything a crack. Can't watch YT, by the way. Connection's too slow at the best of times. And this isn't the best of times. Probably finish off my grinding Processor completely if I tried.


Listening to a drop of Tangerine Dream right now :yes:

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