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Scary Experience

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Just came back from lamping rabbits on the golf course I shoot on. On the way back about 10.15pm I spotted four very bright eyes coming straight at me through the trees at about 125 yrds.

As they got closer I saw the eyes belonged to two large dogs and they're still headed straight for me. Heart's pounding somewhat by this stage as I have visions of being attacked! Gulp.

I figure they might have an owner nearby so in the dead quiet I called out and after a few tries someone eventually calls back. I shout asking him to call his dogs back and get them under control but by this stage they're 10ft or so away growling and showing lots of teeth.

At this point I am really thinking one in particular is going to go for me so I flicked the safety off and shout to the owner that my finger is on the trigger and he needs to get them under control immediately. At last he seems to grasp the gravity of the situation and gets between me and the aggressive dog to get it under control. Of course at that point I immediately point the rifle away as he gets a lead on it shortly followed by the other one.

I put the gun down and have a chat with the guy who proceeds to tell me he was taking his dogs for a walk and that he saw my lamp from quite some way away. Why he then continued to walk straight towards me in the pitch black is totally beyond me.

Anyway, to actually take the safety off, have your finger on the trigger and be a hair's breadth away from shooting someone's dog, even though I thought I was about to be attacked, was quite disconcerting.

I've reported the incident to the course owner just to preempt any call he might get.

Sorry for long post, just needed to get it off my chest.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:hmm: Be a Very tricky situation, mate. Far as I know they'd be coming at ye primarily on Criminal Damage. But then there'd be the wrangle over whose land it all went off on. Control of the Dogs by owner, etc.


Basic fulcrum would be wether or not they had " Attacked ". I was involved in an incident one time and saw fit to report the uncontrolled Dog involved to the local Police. Copper on the switchboard said, " So ye want to report a Dog Attack? And were ye actually bitten? ". I retorted; " Look, mate; If some idiot had come screaming at me, eyes rolling and a bloody big knife in his hand, only I dropped him before he managed to stick me with it ..... Would ye be questioning wether I'd just been victim of a bloody Knife Attack?! ".


But I think That's the point the expensive Briefs would have fun over. Justification for Lethal Force. Compo's likely ye better man for this one. I'm just adding a bit of colour to the Thread :D

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what an idiot,who i there right mind walks toward someone when lamping??i think if you where in fear of your safety and you had the right to be on the golf coarse you could of used reasonable force...need to remember that society is paranoid about guns and it could of gone against you....if i thought i was going to get bitten id of done the same

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If you check your fac, you will find a condition on it that states, the gun can be used in protection of livestock, and other animals, and be used to prevent damage/injury to same...or words to that effect [my ticket is in for renewal, so i cant quote it exactly] This means protecting sheep from foxes etc.

Placed in your situation, i would have no hesitation in shooting it dead.I would then tell the police, i was genuinly in fear of my life, which would be true, as i wouldn,t shoot a dog for any other reason, and there isn,t a court in the land who would convict for it. Of course, the dog would have to be a breed capable of doing such damage.

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Guest JohnGalway
If you check your fac, you will find a condition on it that states, the gun can be used in protection of livestock, and other animals, and be used to prevent damage/injury to same...or words to that effect [my ticket is in for renewal, so i cant quote it exactly] This means protecting sheep from foxes etc.

Placed in your situation, i would have no hesitation in shooting it dead.I would then tell the police, i was genuinly in fear of my life, which would be true, as i wouldn,t shoot a dog for any other reason, and there isn,t a court in the land who would convict for it. Of course, the dog would have to be a breed capable of doing such damage.




Given the option of "Shit, I'm about to get bitten" and "Bang!", easy choice for me. Like Baldie says, if it were ever to happen get on the phone to plod right away, so you're not left in a defensive position so to speak.

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Just as an update, I spoke to the course owner today and said he would have been tempted to put a bullet between the dog's eyes in the first place! Apparently this guy has been wandering around the course and with his two lurchers and has upset a couple of club members with his dogs. The course owner plans on catching up with him to point out that it is private land and although there is a public footpath that of course he is free to use when ever he wishes, he will expect him to stay on it and keep his dogs on leads at all times.


It felt great that he fully backed me. :clapper:

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