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8kg spool of brass Snare wire

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nope other half brought me another spool,not being funny bud but even if i did want to get out of snareing does it take any afect on you ?on the other post i didnt say what i should be called i said what would YOU class your self as,


but thanks for bumping the post :bye:

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nope other half brought me another spool,not being funny bud but even if i did want to get out of snareing does it take any afect on you ?on the other post i didnt say what i should be called i said what would YOU class your self as,


but thanks for bumping the post :bye:

hi all i do alot of snairing could you tell me where to get the brass wire in bulk from

cheers lee :clapper::clapper::clapper:

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£85 and thats including corrier and its snare wire from the same place as woodga gets his :victory:


cheers moletrapper if you didnt bump not sure if i would of got this response :whistling:


No worries, glad you got such quality replies, :whistling::feck:


Have a free bump on me. :laugh::feck:

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