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Been hunting about 5-6months now,not tried ratting but had rabbits.Planning on getting a smoker just need a bit of help to start out,i have a few good spots to use,is there anyone on the area me and a mate could tag along with,between us we've a plumber and a patterdale 6months and 11,both clued up.




Sean :whistling:

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  • 1 month later...

bit to far i think mate, i'v been ratting with russellsrule a few times, my dog is only a pup (5mths) he just goes for a run at the moment, but i'm sure he'll pick it up, we normally take about 6-8 dogs though if i'm right sarah, and 4 of them are pups, but we have some good dogs and good fun,,,,,(sarah catches em wi her teeth) breath stinks though

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