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how many poles should be used on a 25 yard longnet


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hi i'm new to longnetting and was just wondering how many poles you'd need to support a 25 yard longnet thank you jakk :victory:

Hi jakk. You'll find plenty of help here. Firstly, like a lot of good netters on this site, Harold Wyman recommends a pole every 5 yards. Personaly I have worked with a lot less and had no problems. You have so many variables. The terrain, the tension in your running lines or chords. The number of rabbits, the height of your pegs and there are other things, how straight you can set, etc. All these things can affect you.


If the ground has a lot of dips and hollows, you need a peg in every low bit, certainly on the bottom chord if not on the top. You definitely need one each end, and if you need to change direction because of rushes, thistles, or bushes etc.


If the ground was flat, and you expect half a dozen rabbits max, then you could probably get away with four pegs, providing you set the chords quite tight. If carrying pegs or cost isn't a problem go with majority and put one every five yards. I hope this is clear, and hasn't just complicated things. You see netting is not an exact science, and you can experiment. Enjoy yourself. :thumbs:

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Peg distance!! Well i for one was always told to add a peg every 5 yrds!!! Believe me it makes sence !! I have tried the nets out at say 6 yrds!!! Its a no! no!! and dont be fooled with the crap that a quickset net will kill Rabbits at say a peg every 8 yrds! For night time netting!! whare large numbers are expected !! (wishfull thinking)!! You have got to make sure that the net (nets) are up for the job that they were intended to do!! Now for the odd Bunny !! Yip every so called 8 yards will do!! But for the night time netter!! !!! Its a 5 yrd job iam afraid! Do not be fooled with these commercial boys that say Coz its a Quick set Net a Peg say every 8 yrds will make it a killing Tool!! NO FEKIN CHANCE!!..

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why put it through the warren why not cut the exit too safe cover like i do?

:laugh: I would have asked the same question once too. That photo was just the beginning and I only put it up to give some idea to the person asking the question at the start of the thread :yes: When we finished setting up just about every hole was covered with a purse net - we only didn't cover them all because we ran out of nets. We had lurchers with us ready to spring into action for any escapees that came out of the sections that werent netted, we had to sort of split the whole set which was 10 times that size in to sections and after putting four ferrets down we still caught none - but we had a great time watching the rabbits run through the warrens without coming out at all!! :tongue2: We decided after an hour or so to move on to a completely different set and put it down to a learning experience - next time rifles and or longnetting at night with the right wind seems to be the only option. This photo was taken about 20 feet away from where she was placed and as you can see; no where near any nets :laugh:


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