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Muslim terrorists

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aww don't apologise to ratman2, he always insults everyone who dare to have a different opinion to himself. Unfortunately for him, his arguments are based on rubbish, with no foundation whatsoever. when this is highlighted for him, in very simple, easy to understand words, he starts his petty name calling

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Interesting thread ,but the fundamental issue which seems to be missing is that all other immigrants of races and creeds which have settled here over the previous centuries have integrated , sometimes painfully but this country is now made up of black ,orange ,yellow or red ,and of every faith ..The Islamic faith differs..It believes it holds the moral high ground and that are our lifestyle in the West is corrupt and immoral,they believe that there way is the right way so integration is not on the agenda and never will be.

That is a enemy I fear ..and will fight


Bloody hell! you sound just like several others on here, namely Lord B, Spoting Agent, Andelusa and Mott the Rot, wow. :doh:


I do apolgise Rat,but unlike Sporting Agent and Lord B I was never a Rupert,but I cant help the way I feel or write. :


Please tell me ASS, what's a Rupert.


If you ask nicely and call me ESS not ASS i may consider your request..or you could just Goggle it..and the wiser you may become

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Andrea Can I ask you something personal? The question is have you got some mixed race in your family? or a friend or are you close to somebody of another ethnic origin?



And this is to everybody who thinks the ethnic people are not a problem to our society can I ask what is your solution to it all? please tell us :drink:

And where is the muslim community of the u.k helping to stop terrorism? and fighting for us in our forces ????

And if you search the net and look for an all white u.k forum please, please forward it to me! But if you want an all black forum in the u.k then I can do so!







One more black police force in the u.k like {National Black Police Association} or M B P A



And let me tell you something now all you do goodies the BNP will become more powerful everyday! The white man will march on. :yes:

To all the mods which read this post this is a really good forum and I can understand if you delete this post or if you ban me! But the reality of it this is the real world and its always going to be sh*t like this!

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Andrea Can I ask you something personal? The question is have you got some mixed race in your family? or a friend or are you close to somebody of another ethnic origin?



And this is to everybody who thinks the ethnic people are not a problem to our society can I ask what is your solution to it all? please tell us :drink:

And where is the muslim community of the u.k helping to stop terrorism? and fighting for us in our forces ????

And if you search the net and look for an all white u.k forum please, please forward it to me! But if you want an all black forum in the u.k then I can do so!







One more black police force in the u.k like {National Black Police Association} or M B P A



And let me tell you something now all you do goodies the BNP will become more powerful everyday! The white man will march on. :yes:

To all the mods which read this post this is a really good forum and I can understand if you delete this post or if you ban me! But the reality of it this is the real world and its always going to be sh*t like this!


I'm sure you won't get banned for your post; you have many points that are similar to those that I have mentioned believe it or not. These forums, you are right they are in for the promotion of a specific skin colour, religion or ethnicity; a quick search and I have found some for mulims, catholics and more. But the backbone of your point is that we as "white British" can not say anything in defence or support of our beliefs without being branded racist, yet other (black, Asian, whatever) can, and to extreme levels? You are right, thats why I argue that positive discrimination is as bad as negative; we are to a large extent opressing our own beliefs and culture for those of others, but that in a large part is not the fault of any of us as individuals, the blame lies with the government for creating the system and processes that are in place, thereby breeding the feeling and fueling the media to make us feel oppresed, to feel like we cant have a say, to allow other from other faiths to shout about their beliefs while we feel unable to be open about ours.


Whats my solution? I'm not sure there is an overnight fix; but I know extremist "white" views are not the answer, as much as I know that whatever the answer is, it has to start with the removal of this government, and replace them with a party that will care and listen more to us as voters, regardless of their persuasion.

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Andrea Can I ask you something personal? The question is have you got some mixed race in your family? or a friend or are you close to somebody of another ethnic origin?

i won't bother reading the rest of your tripe, however, i will answer your first question. I do not have anyone within my family who are from another ethnic origin, nor anyone of mixed race. If your asking whether i have a partner who is of mixed face or ethnic origin, the answer is also No.

You see, we can have a conscience without being involved, personally, with someone of an ethnic minority. we can also have a sense of right and wrong without being personally involved.

This line i found particularly amusing "And let me tell you something now all you do goodies the BNP will become more powerful everyday! The white man will march on" who on earth do you think you are, part of the master race? because if you believe that, i'm pretty sure you could find many websites geared towards the Neo-Nazism, propaganda claptrap.

My argument, my only argument is that none of us are the same, we are all individual's and we can not class all people from a particular ethnic group as terrorist or terrorist sympathisers.

Do i agree with immigration? well many of my posts shows that i do not. Do i think we should have the right to voice our thought's? yes i do. Do i think we should take out our oppression on ethnic minorities? an oppression we created by voting for the govenment we have. No we should not>

Edited by Andrea
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Andrea Can I ask you something personal? The question is have you got some mixed race in your family? or a friend or are you close to somebody of another ethnic origin?

i won't bother reading the rest of your tripe, however, i will answer your first question. I do not have anyone within my family who are from another ethnic origin, nor anyone of mixed race. If your asking whether i have a partner who is of mixed face or ethnic origin, the answer is also No.

You see, we can have a conscience without being involved, personally, with someone of an ethnic minority. we can also have a sense of right and wrong without being personally involved.

This line i found particularly amusing "And let me tell you something now all you do goodies the BNP will become more powerful everyday! The white man will march on" who on earth do you think you are, part of the master race? because if you believe that, i'm pretty sure you could find many websites geared towards the Neo-Nazism, propaganda claptrap.

My argument, my only argument is that none of us are the same, we are all individual's and we can not class all people from a particular ethnic group as terrorist or terrorist sympathisers.

I tell you WHO I think I am IM a white british citizen like hundreds of generations before me trying to survive in this country. BUT I am really struggling because the ethnic immigrants have more rights than I have!


You say you cant be bothered to read the rest whats the matter just dont like the facts?

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Whitey; your question to Andrea was slighly insulting so why should she have read anymore of your post?

To come right out with "can I ask you a personnal question?"???? mixed race family etc etc, come on....


Point of note however, we are discussing muslims here, and on another thread a gay dating banner ad that was on this forum; well the adverts bellow were just in the header in the last page....


....check out two of them....


Fox Hunting Lights

Vehicle Mounted and Handheld. Quality Spotlights Made in USA!


UKHuntingSecret Believers, 10% off

Terrifying true stories of Muslims who've converted to Christianity


Muslim Dating Site

Muslim dating and singles site. Browse photo profiles. Join free!


Muslim Dating Site

1000's Islamic Singles Online Join Free!



Funny but will we'll never see a Christian dating site advertised quite so openly?

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I tell you WHO I think I am IM a white british citizen like hundreds of generations before me trying to survive in this country. BUT I am really struggling because the ethnic immigrants have more rights than I have!


You say you cant be bothered to read the rest whats the matter just dont like the facts?


Funny, you didn't bother to quote the whole of my post. Is that because you only want to point out the bits you think will course arguements.

Yes i asked you who you think you are. In the same way you asked me whether i was loyal to my country. Sneakly asking me what my motives where, by making out my family or i, am from muslim or a ethnic minority.I'm white, half Irish and proud of who i am, i do not have to downgrade other minority groups to feel good about myself, nor follow BNP to feel confident with my identity.You talk about a govenment that oppresses your free speach, and yet you try to oppress mine. You think the BNP will liberate us? i don't, i think they will oppress us in a different way.

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I will give the little muslim feckers some credit, at least they have got the bollocks to get out and fight for what they belive in.............and whats more, do whatever it takes!


Thats a damn site more than most white christian British will do, talk the talk, but dont walk the walk.............thats the British all over!

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Guest bigredbusa

not true wilf, christians have killed many over the years (we are not exactly saints) we just dont go around cutting peoples heads off and sticking it on the web .


everytime i watch a beheading makes me want to pick up a gun , i then think of my family and all is calm again lol


sooner im out of the uk the better

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I will give the little muslim feckers some credit, at least they have got the bollocks to get out and fight for what they belive in.............and whats more, do whatever it takes!


Thats a damn site more than most white christian British will do, talk the talk, but dont walk the walk.............thats the British all over!


Its a sad fact, but you are not wrong.


Plenty on here are willing to put others dow, say this or that in support of their country and religion, slag off those that have or do have the courage in their convictions to actually do something about their beliefs; cower behind extreme right wing facist politics or indead the privacy of their PC (as we are all doing to some extent, the nature of online forums etc); but very few it seems to me do or have done anything constructive for this country.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that if you havent then you have no rights or shouldn't offer opinion, we all should, its a free country; but those that have, in whatever way, should not be made to feel crap or that their opinion is wrong purely because it doesn't wash with the extremist right wing views of others.


What is it they say about walking a mile in another mans shoes??


Most muslims, regardless of any extreme beliefs do and have the courage to stand up and fight for their families, religion and country; most Brits it seem are happy to slag off behing beoples backs, talk the talk but have never and would never put themselves on the line if push came to shove.

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not true wilf, christians have killed many over the years (we are not exactly saints) we just dont go around cutting peoples heads off and sticking it on the web .


everytime i watch a beheading makes me want to pick up a gun , i then think of my family and all is calm again lol


sooner im out of the uk the better


You sit there and watch beheadings???!! :o


There are many on here who slag off those that fight for their rights (right or wrong), saying they'll do this or that in retaliation.....its all bollocks, they are armchair politicians and nothing else. I too am an armchair politician, but like one or two other on here I have fought for my country, and it sickens me that those who sit behind their PC critisizing others but won't do anything themselves feel this god given right to "be right"! Sure they have an opinion, and are entitled to it as we all are; but an opinion does not make you right.


Just because you are British and white does not mean you are right al the time. I'm all for Britishness, :censored: I'd die for it; but we have to take a pragmatic common sence aproach and start by removing our corrupt disceitfull government and work our way from there.

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The Labour Party has been in power for 11 years. Their current figurehead wasn't even elected. They made shooting the privilege of the drug dealer. They banned hunting and that's before we start on crime, health care, education etc etc etc etc...


The day the white British whinging b*****d goes out to vote is the day this country moves towards a brighter future. White Power is just as much bullshit as islamic fundamentalism. The W.A.S.Ps here should give the propaganda a rest as it's worse than the CA's attempt to reach out to the masses.


If you want to change things, vote. THL polls don't count.

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