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Muslim terrorists

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So In your view, a foreigner is someone who wasn’t born in and doesn’t belong to Britain. My grandfather (a foreigner, he was Irish), fought for this country and served in the military all his life. He was prepared to die for a country, and the British was prepared to allow him to die for a country, you now say he had no right to live in?

He, along with thousands of foreigners, fought and died for YOUR country and you now say you owe them NOTHING. You ungrateful git.

During the 19 and early 20 century, the British treated Irish immigrants in the same disgusting manner as they now treat Muslims, With prejudice, with discrimination, with suspicion and above all, with unjust cruelty.

your grandfather fought for this country and you should be proud of that fact but, the fact is if a war broke out between britain and a muslim country WHO would the muslims fight for US OR THEM i think we all know the answer to that they would leave in a flash,fight for them and if we won they would be back with their grubby little hands out wanting benefits



Of course I’m proud of my grandfather, as i am everyone who fight’s for our freedom, whether British or not. But i think you’ve missed the point, It has been said that foreigners have no right to be in this country and the British owe them nothing. My point is, how can we differentiate between who we accept as British and who we don’t? Everyone who comes outside of Britain is not British and therefore is foreigners. These are the same people who have, and still are fighting and dying for this country. You cannot predict who will and will not fight for this country, any more than you can predict who is and isn’t a terrorist.

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Some very interesting points raised above; and I have to say I find myself agreeing with points on both sides. Speedlampers last post is spot on, however Gnasher 16 also raises some valid point, we should not be bending over to provide for imigrants (illegal or legal) at the expense of not doing the same for ourselves. Posative discrimination is as bad if not worse than the negative.


I think its a case of using common sence; treating people with respect and decency; not going out of our way to help imigrants any more or less than we would anyone else, but also expecting an equal level of respect for our own cultural and religious beliefs, something which seems to be lacking. As individuals, but also as a society and nation.


While there are many religions and ethnic backgrounds in Britain, atheinst or not, we are at the core a Christian society founded on Christian beliefs and these should be encouraged; visitors to this country aught to respect and apreciate that. But we too aught to show the same respect in return.


Its afine line and unfortunatly, in my beliefe the Government has got hit wholy wrong; that is not to say that radical "British" beliefs about kicking everyone out is the way to go, surely that is hypocritical and will only serve to make us a less profitable, constructive society?

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Chris jones- I agree with your post. There is a massive different between paedophiles watching, sometimes live, the rape and torture of children, some as young as a few months old, and someone reading extremist propaganda. We have all been subjected to propaganda as some point in our lives.

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So In your view, a foreigner is someone who wasn’t born in and doesn’t belong to Britain. My grandfather (a foreigner, he was Irish), fought for this country and served in the military all his life. He was prepared to die for a country, and the British was prepared to allow him to die for a country, you now say he had no right to live in?

He, along with thousands of foreigners, fought and died for YOUR country and you now say you owe them NOTHING. You ungrateful git.

During the 19 and early 20 century, the British treated Irish immigrants in the same disgusting manner as they now treat Muslims, With prejudice, with discrimination, with suspicion and above all, with unjust cruelty.

your grandfather fought for this country and you should be proud of that fact but, the fact is if a war broke out between britain and a muslim country WHO would the muslims fight for US OR THEM i think we all know the answer to that they would leave in a flash,fight for them and if we won they would be back with their grubby little hands out wanting benefits



Of course I’m proud of my grandfather, as i am everyone who fight’s for our freedom, whether British or not. But i think you’ve missed the point, It has been said that foreigners have no right to be in this country and the British owe them nothing. My point is, how can we differentiate between who we accept as British and who we don’t? Everyone who comes outside of Britain is not British and therefore is foreigners. These are the same people who have, and still are fighting and dying for this country. You cannot predict who will and will not fight for this country, any more than you can predict who is and isn’t a terrorist.


I have some very close friends who are from a country near India/Pakistan, they are as dark skined as they come, they eat curry like there is no tomorrow, they speak a language that is not English YET they have worn (for generations) and do wear without question the Royal crest on their uniform of Queen Elizabeth the Second and work under the Union flag; they lay their lives on the line for us, each one of us, and many many of them have died for us.


Where are they from? Nepal.


What are they? Gurkas


And what do they get in return? A fiver a week and a load of :censored:

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I think it’s rather strange you didn’t realise your question would provoke racist comments Harrycatcat.


Gnasher 16, are you seriously saying your ok with people as long as you have something in common with them? Those who share the same values and traditions as you? I have news for you, people are individuals, it makes no difference what country they come from or what colour their skin is, the facts are, even some British people don’t share your values or traditions, nor would they have any common ground with you. It seems you are against what you don’t understand.

Of course you and I are angry to see, what appear to be terrorists getting away with their ghastly, cowardly acts and obviously there’s a massive problem when terrorist sympathisers are able to walk our country unmolested, and in some cases, claiming housing, benefits and healthcare. But the problem doesn’t lie with the Muslim community, it lies with the idiotic government we, as a country, have voted into power.

You talk about do-gooders who sympathies with, or even support immigration, i think your wrong.

I think there's very few people who are happy about having massive influxes of immigrant landing in their country. However, it’s the system that's allowed it that should be criticised, not the people who have taken advantage of it.

Obviously, if any of us lived in a country that allows its people to starve, to be killed and to live in extreme poverty, then we too would leave that country if we could. And for those who come here for an easy life, benefits, housing and healthcare, that’s the fault of our government for allowing that to happen too.


Harrycatcat, you ask â€is there a difference between downloading child porn or downloading jihad terrorist materialâ€. Of course there’s a difference, Muslim terrorist believe, sometimes through brainwashing, that they are freedom fighters, fighting for their beliefs and religion. Some have had this message forced on them from early childhood, in some cases, by their own family members.

Many people throughout time have killed and been killed for their religion. We know it’s wrong. The problem with terrorist activity lie’s far deeper than the terrorists, and to crack it, you need to get to, and destroy the roots of extremism.



I'm with Andrea and Sporting age on a lot off this. WE must have tolerance not prejudice on how we deal with ALL our brothers and sisters. Did you see this week about the little preachers on the T.V......that was scarie, what grasp did they have on realitty...the parents I Mean. We have always whoever obeyed a principle off hierarchy. Walk before you run,learn from your elders etc etc etc. As in as much that even if it was ajoke....it was a well publisced way off showing what we think of our kids. If not , who's doin the brain washin. So when we blaim the muslim brainwashin fundamentalists think on. I know we'll never have the Ideal world but we must follow what s best for the general not the parrticular.

And on the subject off racism and scoungers. Coming back from the Mill Stad last week after a great time and brilliant hospitality, thank you boys and lassies :thumbs: in my kilt I stopped at the local village pub for a pint with me kilted pal. All is well till the dilated pupiled local lad comes in with his side kick. He runs bikes on no insur ETC and he says hello. Recipricate. Outside having a gasper.....he appears. Would I like an arm wrestle(fight) no don't do them blah blah blah, no come on jock,come on. I would never get that anywhere but a one horse hillbill town wher the locals work casual and bitch about anything that ain't thier mum. Arm wrestle done (I won)prickles follow us round the pub from these socially impotent a-------s. Good thing was if it wasn't for the FAC it would have went off if you know what I mean . Wouldn't, nae haven't had that from a muslim,Paki,Blackman or Gook.

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Yes, the minority of terrorists are scum


... :hmm:


If twenty of us plotted up in Japan and one of us turned rogue and decided to blow the local bus to bits then the other 19 would be on a bit of a sticky wicket. I'd love to say that is just my opinion but unfortunately NATURE determines that it's a knocking bet.


sticky wicket or not, we should realise by now that we cannot hold a whole race or religious group responsible for the evil committed by a few. Don't you think???

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Yes, the minority of terrorists are scum


... :hmm:


If twenty of us plotted up in Japan and one of us turned rogue and decided to blow the local bus to bits then the other 19 would be on a bit of a sticky wicket. I'd love to say that is just my opinion but unfortunately NATURE determines that it's a knocking bet.


sticky wicket or not, we should realise by now that we cannot hold a whole race or religious group responsible for the evil committed by a few. Don't you think???


Not really Darlin, i live on Ronnie Reality St., i've heard 5 kaki faces shout up what utter shite thier civilian blower-upper firm are....and thats five out of a couple of thousand, i've little sympathy for folk offering me them odds.


:D how many thousands of ' Kaki faces' live on your street? To be able to determine that only five out of thousands are decent, then you must know hundreds of thousands of Muslims. Or are you making presumptions based on your subjective views??? :D

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Yes, the minority of terrorists are scum


... :hmm:


If twenty of us plotted up in Japan and one of us turned rogue and decided to blow the local bus to bits then the other 19 would be on a bit of a sticky wicket. I'd love to say that is just my opinion but unfortunately NATURE determines that it's a knocking bet.


sticky wicket or not, we should realise by now that we cannot hold a whole race or religious group responsible for the evil committed by a few. Don't you think???


Not really Darlin, i live on Ronnie Reality St., i've heard 5 kaki faces shout up what utter shite thier civilian blower-upper firm are....and thats five out of a couple of thousand, i've little sympathy for folk offering me them odds.


Kaki faces??? What? Not white? Heaven forbid; I must remember to let those Gurkas know that they are now called Kaki Faces.....


Darlin......grow up; scared that "Darlin" might be talking sence? Its not about the odds. If it was the percentace of white British chavvy wankers doing harm I'm sure is greater than the 5 you mention above.

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Yes, the minority of terrorists are scum


... :hmm:


If twenty of us plotted up in Japan and one of us turned rogue and decided to blow the local bus to bits then the other 19 would be on a bit of a sticky wicket. I'd love to say that is just my opinion but unfortunately NATURE determines that it's a knocking bet.


sticky wicket or not, we should realise by now that we cannot hold a whole race or religious group responsible for the evil committed by a few. Don't you think???


Not really Darlin, i live on Ronnie Reality St., i've heard 5 kaki faces shout up what utter shite thier civilian blower-upper firm are....and thats five out of a couple of thousand, i've little sympathy for folk offering me them odds.


:D how many thousands of ' Kaki faces' live on your street? To be able to determine that only five out of thousands are decent, then you must know hundreds of thousands of Muslims. Or are you making presumptions based on your subjective views??? :D


Anyone fancy a pint? well it's borin init. :drink:

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Yes, the minority of terrorists are scum


... :hmm:


If twenty of us plotted up in Japan and one of us turned rogue and decided to blow the local bus to bits then the other 19 would be on a bit of a sticky wicket. I'd love to say that is just my opinion but unfortunately NATURE determines that it's a knocking bet.


sticky wicket or not, we should realise by now that we cannot hold a whole race or religious group responsible for the evil committed by a few. Don't you think???


Not really Darlin, i live on Ronnie Reality St., i've heard 5 kaki faces shout up what utter shite thier civilian blower-upper firm are....and thats five out of a couple of thousand, i've little sympathy for folk offering me them odds.


:D how many thousands of ' Kaki faces' live on your street? To be able to determine that only five out of thousands are decent, then you must know hundreds of thousands of Muslims. Or are you making presumptions based on your subjective views??? :D


Anyone fancy a pint? well it's borin init. :drink:


oh god, the little ****'* back, i'm off. Ratman2, don't knock what you don't understand. There's a good boy :D

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