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Muslim terrorists

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Can anyone explain to me the difference between muslims down loading extremist jihadi propaganda material and getting let off


and some one down loading child porn.


In my opinion they should both be shot ! but the muslim gets off ?


What is that all about ? is this country going down the pan or what ? :doh:

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Can anyone explain to me the difference between muslims down loading extremist jihadi propaganda material and getting let off


and some one down loading child porn.


In my opinion they should both be shot ! but the muslim gets off ?


What is that all about ? is this country going down the pan or what ? :doh:



The country has gone down the pan a long time ago, there was a High court judge not long ago found to have 267 indecent pictures of children on his personal laptop, he was not sent to prison because & i Quote " If this man was to be given a custodial sentence & sent to prison he would not receive the same treatment as other inmates because of the position he has held" !!!! SO FECKIN WHAT LET THE SHIT TAKE THE KICKING. :boxing:



That is the message we send out to others, if you commit the crime you may have a good chance of being let off without punishment. :doh::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

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Can anyone explain to me the difference between muslims down loading extremist jihadi propaganda material and getting let off


and some one down loading child porn.


In my opinion they should both be shot ! but the muslim gets off ?


What is that all about ? is this country going down the pan or what ? :doh:

i totely agree something is badley wrong ! this country is f ked the law and the way tony blair and gordon brown have given away are country to imagrants and muslims is a disgrace. my grandfather was one of the dam busters and my girlfrends grandad was killed in the normandy landings, and for what ? england..!! anyone who comes to are country and takes the piss buy trying to hurt us or our children should be hung buy there limbs and burned

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Can anyone explain to me the difference between muslims down loading extremist jihadi propaganda material and getting let off


and some one down loading child porn.


In my opinion they should both be shot ! but the muslim gets off ?


What is that all about ? is this country going down the pan or what ? :doh:

i totely agree something is badley wrong ! this country is f ked the law and the way tony blair and gordon brown have given away are country to imagrants and muslims is a disgrace. my grandfather was one of the dam busters and my girlfrends grandad was killed in the normandy landings, and for what ? england..!! anyone who comes to are country and takes the piss buy trying to hurt us or our children should be hung buy there limbs and burned

They also died so that people could live in peace, without fear of prejudice of race, colour, creed or religion.


Dont forget that the Nazis persecuted Jews and Gypsies, for the same reasons that many people now use to condemn muslims.


Food for thought...........................

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Can anyone explain to me the difference between muslims down loading extremist jihadi propaganda material and getting let off


and some one down loading child porn.


In my opinion they should both be shot ! but the muslim gets off ?


What is that all about ? is this country going down the pan or what ? :doh:

i totely agree something is badley wrong ! this country is f ked the law and the way tony blair and gordon brown have given away are country to imagrants and muslims is a disgrace. my grandfather was one of the dam busters and my girlfrends grandad was killed in the normandy landings, and for what ? england..!! anyone who comes to are country and takes the piss buy trying to hurt us or our children should be hung buy there limbs and burned

They also died so that people could live in peace, without fear of prejudice of race, colour, creed or religion.


Dont forget that the Nazis persecuted Jews and Gypsies, for the same reasons that many people now use to condemn muslims.


Food for thought...........................

they were at war for britain not any other, you go and tell the old boys that cry every year on popy day! most of are men died to save britain and for what ? we house them teach there children give them a peacefull option and they still try and terrarise us, wake up the country is on the down, posative and and quick action must be a very good option?
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Can anyone explain to me the difference between muslims down loading extremist jihadi propaganda material and getting let off


and some one down loading child porn.


In my opinion they should both be shot ! but the muslim gets off ?


What is that all about ? is this country going down the pan or what ? :doh:

i totely agree something is badley wrong ! this country is f ked the law and the way tony blair and gordon brown have given away are country to imagrants and muslims is a disgrace. my grandfather was one of the dam busters and my girlfrends grandad was killed in the normandy landings, and for what ? england..!! anyone who comes to are country and takes the piss buy trying to hurt us or our children should be hung buy there limbs and burned

They also died so that people could live in peace, without fear of prejudice of race, colour, creed or religion.


Dont forget that the Nazis persecuted Jews and Gypsies, for the same reasons that many people now use to condemn muslims.


Food for thought...........................


I don’t think there’s any comparison here, Jews and Gypsies during the Second World War were persecuted beyond reason purely because of their beliefs and life styles.

Muslim extremists are promoting racial hatred through out the world and are happy to encourage the murder of innocent people, the same people who have accepted them into their country

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I can`t stand it all now i was helping move school stuff today for the new school and there was a blacm man on the reseption desk and the doors where locked me and my mate had a huge sofa to carry we had to ring the care taker to come half a mile with a key as the black man would not get of his arse to open the doori should not have said what i said but he should have opened the door i may sound stupidor wrong but that gets on my tits more than anything no manners and he want to live here flor free?

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they were at war for britain not any other, you go and tell the old boys that cry every year on popy day! most of are men died to save britain and for what ? we house them teach there children give them a peacefull option and they still try and terrarise us, wake up the country is on the down, posative and and quick action must be a very good option?


And why was Britain at war?


What sort of 'posative' action would you suggest? I suppose one idea would be to round up all the people you dont like, who can't prove their british lineage; put them into some sort of ghetto until you decide how you are going to get rid of them???????


Not all Muslims are terrorists, any more than all hunters are racists. :whistling:

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not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslims.


All terrorists are Muslims? You must be too young to remember the IRA then!

i wonderec if al murrays right!/


when the ira where done we got flooded with irish theme pubs


you think when the arabs are done we'll be gettin muslim theme pubs? no beer and definatly no pork scratchings

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