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Open license for .22-250

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Hello everyone. I have just had the FLO round this morning for a meeting to discuss opening my license out for my .17hmr, and also to discuss having 2 new calibres put on my ticket (.22lr and .22-250). I gave the reason for the .22lr as 'shooting ground based vermin at night under lamp light, with a silencer' (as the .22lr can be fully silenced) and the .22-250 as 'extended range fox control'. He said there wouldnt be a problem having it open'd out for the HMR :clapper: and the .22lr when i get it, as the amount of ammo i have bought over the past year 3000+ rounds justifies them letting me use it under an 'open' format. However he said that as i have only had my license for 1 1/2 years, he doubts that the Cheif of polie would let me have the .22-250 under an open license :o, and that i would need to have a supervisor for the 6 months of having the .22-250 untill i can have it, and even then under a 'closed' format. Does this sound about right?


To be honest i didnt expect to be granted the allowance of such a powerful calibre, but my FLO ses he doesnt have a problem with it so why should they!!! Either way im over the moon to be allowed to have my HMR opened out, so i can use it anywhere as long as i have the owners written permision and theat i can ensure a safe backstop. Thanks for reading. Cheers

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your flo. is right about the open ticket its nowt to do with the calibre of rifle your after its your experience with firearms that they are concerned about.an open ticket gives you the right to use whatever calibre of firearm you posses on land you have legal right to shoot on and that you can ascertain that said land is safe for that firearm in use.

they also like you to have a knowledge of firearms law[within reason] this also strengthens your case.i will give you an example of a recent situation i was part of,a gamekeeper i help out applied for an open certificate for his firearms[22.243] he was refused on the grounds that he didnt need one for the estate he was the keeper on because he didnt say he wanted to shoot elsewhere.i told him to ring the fire arms department and tell them he would be doing some deer work for me on land i have permission on as i dont have the suitable calibres for deer.they then rang me and asked me to confirm this i said that was true and they then gave him his open ticket.you have to box clever with the firearms people but they will help you.if they refuse wait awhile and reapply get some one who you know who has a fac who will vouch for you with firearms to write you a letter to confirm this.

good luck anyway

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  TOMY,HMR said:
Hello everyone. I have just had the FLO round this morning for a meeting to discuss opening my license out for my .17hmr, and also to discuss having 2 new calibres put on my ticket (.22lr and .22-250). I gave the reason for the .22lr as 'shooting ground based vermin at night under lamp light, with a silencer' (as the .22lr can be fully silenced) and the .22-250 as 'extended range fox control'. He said there wouldnt be a problem having it open'd out for the HMR :clapper: and the .22lr when i get it, as the amount of ammo i have bought over the past year 3000+ rounds justifies them letting me use it under an 'open' format. However he said that as i have only had my license for 1 1/2 years, he doubts that the Cheif of polie would let me have the .22-250 under an open license :o, and that i would need to have a supervisor for the 6 months of having the .22-250 untill i can have it, and even then under a 'closed' format. Does this sound about right?


To be honest i didnt expect to be granted the allowance of such a powerful calibre, but my FLO ses he doesnt have a problem with it so why should they!!! Either way im over the moon to be allowed to have my HMR opened out, so i can use it anywhere as long as i have the owners written permision and theat i can ensure a safe backstop. Thanks for reading. Cheers

Well, the firearms folk work in mysterious ways. I understand and probably agree with you not getting the 22-250 on an open ticket - they go a bloody long way and pack a lot of punch. I don't get the mentoring angle though. if you've fired over 3000 rounds of 17HMR you know where to shoot and where not to, especially on bits of land they approve. So it might be worth asking FLO why he wants you to have a mentor.


Point out to him that you appreciate the grunt of 22-250, but that a safe backstop is a safe backstop. Failing that, BASC or someone to see if anything can be done.


Sadly, FEO recommendations are usually fairly gospel, so what they say goes. The flip side is a quiet chat and a cup of tea can work wonders ;)

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  TOMY,HMR said:
Hello everyone. I have just had the FLO round this morning for a meeting to discuss opening my license out for my .17hmr, and also to discuss having 2 new calibres put on my ticket (.22lr and .22-250). I gave the reason for the .22lr as 'shooting ground based vermin at night under lamp light, with a silencer' (as the .22lr can be fully silenced) and the .22-250 as 'extended range fox control'. He said there wouldnt be a problem having it open'd out for the HMR :clapper: and the .22lr when i get it, as the amount of ammo i have bought over the past year 3000+ rounds justifies them letting me use it under an 'open' format. However he said that as i have only had my license for 1 1/2 years, he doubts that the Cheif of polie would let me have the .22-250 under an open license :o, and that i would need to have a supervisor for the 6 months of having the .22-250 untill i can have it, and even then under a 'closed' format. Does this sound about right?


To be honest i didnt expect to be granted the allowance of such a powerful calibre, but my FLO ses he doesnt have a problem with it so why should they!!! Either way im over the moon to be allowed to have my HMR opened out, so i can use it anywhere as long as i have the owners written permision and theat i can ensure a safe backstop. Thanks for reading. Cheers


nice one mate wish mine was :) dont worry about have the mentoring on for 6 months at least you got it.

6 months will fly by then your be out on your own with it. then after a year ask for open ticket on it :thumbs:

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Know this is a bit off track could someone clear the open ticket thing up for me please, does the land you go on still have to be certified for the caliber your using or do you just need writen permision from the owner? Ive applied for a .243 to be used on my own bit of land and now I've had a few people ask if I could go and tidy up a fox or two for them but their land isn't certified for a .243 but wondered wether I could do it if I got a open ticket?


Ive had rimmys for the last 5 years but the fao said I was to have a mentor for the .243 which I said wasn't a problem and a mate put his name foward he then came round two days later after certify the land and told me he'd had a word with his boss and I didn't need a mentor!



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round hear they put a condition on centre fires all the time with new grants..one of the feo's had a new liecence for him self and they wouldn't even give him an open ticket :clapper: he goes round and decides weather the ground is ok for everyone else :clapper::clapper:

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  Smudge00 said:
Know this is a bit off track could someone clear the open ticket thing up for me please, does the land you go on still have to be certified for the caliber your using or do you just need writen permision from the owner? Ive applied for a .243 to be used on my own bit of land and now I've had a few people ask if I could go and tidy up a fox or two for them but their land isn't certified for a .243 but wondered wether I could do it if I got a open ticket?


Ive had rimmys for the last 5 years but the fao said I was to have a mentor for the .243 which I said wasn't a problem and a mate put his name foward he then came round two days later after certify the land and told me he'd had a word with his boss and I didn't need a mentor!




With an OPEN certificate the land does not have to be "cleared" for ANY calibre. Neither do you need WRITTEN permission from the owner, although we all know that is always very useful.


It will be down to the certificate holder to decide, for whatever calibre they have on their OPEN FAC wether the land is suitable or not.

Edited by Deker
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if you have an open ticket for say a .22 rimfire your certificate will say the following in the "additional conditions may be added here by the chief officer of police"

The .22RF Rifles, sound moderators and ammunition shall be used for shooting vermin and ground game & foxes and zeroing on ranges and land over which the holder has lawful authority to shoot.


if it's a closed ticket it will also have a sentance inserted saying something like "over land deemed suitable by the chief officer of the police"


be it open or closed that statement is i believe repeated for each cal. possessed

hope this helps


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