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stinky f@rts??

Guest manda

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does anyone else's lurchers stink when they f@rt? our youngest lurcher vince could clear a room when he lets one rip and its like every 5-10 mins, he doesn't seem to have a problem with his poop and i spoke to another lass who has a lurcher and she said he's the same. he only comes in now and again so thankfully most the time im not wanting to be sick lol

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does anyone else's lurchers stink when they f@rt? our youngest lurcher vince could clear a room when he lets one rip and its like every 5-10 mins, he doesn't seem to have a problem with his poop and i spoke to another lass who has a lurcher and she said he's the same. he only comes in now and again so thankfully most the time im not wanting to be sick lol

i was told its common with lurchers,greys etc as they eat there food so quick,they ingest lots of air.

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does anyone else's lurchers stink when they f@rt? our youngest lurcher vince could clear a room when he lets one rip and its like every 5-10 mins, he doesn't seem to have a problem with his poop and i spoke to another lass who has a lurcher and she said he's the same. he only comes in now and again so thankfully most the time im not wanting to be sick lol

i was told its common with lurchers,greys etc as they eat there food so quick,they ingest lots of air.


Nah rubbish, no more than the next dog ;)


What you feeding the dog and how often?

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Try some REAL food, forget the complete rubbish.... fresh meat, beef, tripe, chicken or similar with veg (no too much) and some chicken bones (raw) as a treat, Split feed (feed two smaller meals a day).


If the dog bolts it food back, put a brick or a heavy ball in the bowl and the dog will eat slower round it.


good luck and do your dog a favour, and read up on how to feed a dog properly, split feeds of good quality foods.........you WILL see the difference, if mot in the farts, but the dogs condition and working ability.

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Try some REAL food, forget the complete rubbish.... fresh meat, beef, tripe, chicken or similar with veg (no too much) and some chicken bones (raw) as a treat, Split feed (feed two smaller meals a day).


If the dog bolts it food back, put a brick or a heavy ball in the bowl and the dog will eat slower round it.


good luck and do your dog a favour, and read up on how to feed a dog properly, split feeds of good quality foods.........you WILL see the difference, if mot in the farts, but the dogs condition and working ability.

COMPLETE FEED no good :icon_eek:

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