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Another convert

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A mate from work has been into airgunning for ever and a day, but was interested in what I do with the dogs and the stinkers. So, I've taken him out lamping a few times lately, but he has been really keen to go ferreting. Today was THAT day. We decided to watch a dvd before going out, that way the ground could thaw a bit to allow the dogs a bit of a run (hopefully). After 4 1/2 hours we only had 5 bunnies to show for our efforts. Sadly 3 had myxi :( . But my mate is now hooked. He was buzzing all day, wants to go back out tomorrow.

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Guest BigBandit
  foxdropper said:
Next time take him out ferretting rats ,at least they dont get mixie.


Might not have myxi but there right dirty lil b*stards :11:


If your friend is hooked tell him to do what i done. My friend took me out and got me hooked i then went out and bought a hutch and stuffs the very next weeks, got myself a nice little poley (quite big actually :blink:)

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