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Saluki grey x whippet

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I was talking to denned on the chat about what lurcher would suit me.

It needs to be an alrounder - Ferreting, rabbits, and retrieving the odd fox, hare and deer. :whistling:

He reckoned a Saluki Grey x whippet might be a good cross ?

What do you lot think ?

The land is fairly flat round here with the odd hill.


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ive had two.. years back dog and bitch saluki/whippet/greyhounds 23 inch they were poor on hare, good little lamping dogs,but tended to go walk about soon as your back was turned when ferreting :laugh:. the bitch had a thing for fox the dog would have none of it..they were just my two mind.

always liked saluki blooded dogs but if ferreting was important to me id be looking for a collie x

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Forget this cross and that cross: get yourself a pup from parents lurcher to lurcher that have been doing the job well for years on ground and the type of hunting similar to what you'll be doing. The exact breeding of many of the best dogs is lost in the mists of time: they've been bred good worker to good worker and many have umpteen breeds in them. Just be careful not to fall for someone's bullshit.


Now..I don't know these dogs personally, but the ones Brookie has advertised on here seem to do everything and have been tried and tested for generations. Why not contact him and find out more? I'd certainly be tempted if I was looking for a pup right now.

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  SHOT said:
ive had two.. years back dog and bitch saluki/whippet/greyhounds 23 inch they were poor on hare, good little lamping dogs,but tended to go walk about soon as your back was turned when ferreting :laugh:. the bitch had a thing for fox the dog would have none of it..they were just my two mind.

always liked saluki blooded dogs but if ferreting was important to me id be looking for a collie x


Iv got one, There not bad dogs but by the sounds of it you want abit of an allrounder, salukigreyxwhippets dont really make good allrounders in my opinion.....there just handy lamp dogs for rabbit and hare, mine is also only 23tts and about 35 pound fit......if you want a dog that will do deer and fox aswell then you would be better off with something a bit bigger.


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