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Early bird gets the deer

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I got my new shiny rifle last week and scope(Thanks Dave aka Remmyfor putting me onto a good deal for the scope)and have been mad to christen it with a fallow deer.

So off i go on monday after work with shiny new rifle and mint 2nd hand nightforce nxs scope(thanks again Dave) to to my newly aquired shoot to do a bit of recon as i havnt shot there before.Not a deer to be seen but a boot load of fresh tracks which kept my spirits high.

Tuesday after work i hit the same shoot again but in the opposite direction.Same again,loads of tracks but not a deer to be seen untill i was heading back as there was only about ten minutes of light left and there he stood proud as punch laughing his head off at me im sure he was as i was trying to untangle myself from from a fecking barbed wire fence, and that was the last i saw of him.His white ass heading into the wood..I learnt a lesson there, scout the field beyond the fence before you climb it....Well when i got home (still cursing) i said to myself "thats it, time for half a day off work and hit it again at first light".So thats what i did this morning and it paid off..The early bird gets the deer..

There they were.Two lovely young fallow about 150yds away feeding in a small ditch.I rested my shiny new rifle on a fence post making sure the sling was in between the post and the stock as not to get a scratch on it..Dont know what i was thinking there its going to get messed up sooner or later..And let rip with a 6.5x55 140gr federal powershock and down he fell not a twitch out of him..Delighted i was.

After doing the cleaning job on him and tied the ropes for the drag back to the car i had a look at my gps which i had set to track and it said 1.2km back to the car...f&%k me i said...But its a small price to pay...





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Nice one mate and may that be the first of many for you .What scope is that by the way ?

It`s a nightforce nxs 5.5-22 x 50. I bought it to go on my cz varmint .223 for the fox and was going to mount a s&b 3-12x 50 on the deer rifle but i ran out of funds for the s&b so the nightforce is on the deer rifle for the rest of the season(2 weeks).It`s a brillant scope but the s&b is better in the twilight dusk and dawn..I did a comparison with my mates s&b and his was super clear as the sun was rising and at dusk..

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well then whats your verdict of the scope then?

dogs blllocks aint they




Brilliant scope.Clear as a bell out to it full 22x. Cant wait to get it on the fox gun(.223) and use it to its full potential.

Too much zoom for a stalking rifle and a not enough field of veiw imho.I think it`s best suited for a varmint/target style of shooting..

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well done that man, nice to see ya can shoot straight after all :laugh::laugh::laugh: it was the scope that did it mate, save one for me when i come over, you cant beat fallow to eat, its the best by far, i was out this afternoon and got me a charlie to. :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:


Edited by remmy
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