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lurcher giving tongue

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i dont no mate it's the first time ive known of it but if i was you i wood leave him of for abit and try him on some baby rabbit's in the summer to see if he still dos it then

ye i dont want a bitch that will clear fields with her voice!!not a great quality in a hound :victory::victory:

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went for lamp earlier with scent shephound and fitz very poor night condtions turned out terrible not breath of wind heap of stars 1/4 moon got one rabbit and scene if we where lucky bout 6 very long slips!! sliped my pup on the rabbit she gave chase but started to bark giving tounge like a harrier hound!!now this is the first time she has done this but want to nip it in the bud straight away any suggestions!! fitz thinks it could of being the fact that she was tailed off the back as she is only seven months what ya reckon :hmm:
7 months old is a good age to learn night work bearing in mind the time of year, let the older dogs have the long runs try her on short slips and sitters so shes not running at full speed and still having playing catch up
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Classic case of starting a pup too young! Very long slip for a 7 month old pup??? :angry: What the hell do you expect? Lay off the lamping until next season: try and get her out in the daytime: ferreting if possible: keep the hunting low key, calm and with no pressure from another dog to try and keep up.


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7 months old is a good age to learn night work bearing in mind the time of year,


Can't agree with that mate :no: 7 months for me is still a bit young,the bitch has her own way of telling him. :yes: I would of thought this was the worst time of year to start a young dog. :hmm: Nearly all the rabbits will be educated to the beam by now,won't they. :hmm:


Slip when you do decide to try the bitch again you might like to do what I sometimes do when I'm starting younger dogs.I ask my mate to come with us and bring his air rifle.I let him shoot the rabbits and get the pup to retrieve them.


I can't see the benefit of taking a pup out with a crowd of folk and dogs, :no: Too much going on to distract a youngster.

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