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snareing on tattie fields

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Guest little_lloyd
  DEL said:
  little_lloyd said:
By tattie do you mean plough ? :blink:

potatoes mate,you can see there beats on soil just like grass this is were the hoop snare will come in handy as the soil will be soft and pegs will just pull out



oh right,, we have some wied names for diffent feilds here so it left me wondering lol

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Guest jackson
  markieboi said:
am i missing something here someone by my farm that i ferret said that he used to ferret some tattie fields when i meantiond that i thought you can only set them in grass so you can see the runs :blink::blink: he said no


what is he goin on about?

you can snare rabbits on a beach full of pebles if you now what your doing markieboy

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  markieboi said:
am i missing something here someone by my farm that i ferret said that he used to ferret some tattie fields when i meantiond that i thought you can only set them in grass so you can see the runs :blink::blink: he said no


what is he goin on about?

Basically if you can see the runs just treat it like a grass field. I think you would have to use the GSW type snare set up as anything else would be a bit obvious. Take care pal, ian. :thumbs:

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Guest jackson
  DUCKWING said:







hellow duck wing , you can get some between the beats or pumps as i call them, but not the amount youd get if

set on the pump id say 10 to 90 % in favor of the pumps.



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As long as you can see the rabbit runs you can set a wire anywhere.......but always set ON the beats and not between them, yes you can catch rabbits between the beats.........but this is not the correct place to set a wire for consistant catches. Obviously on grassland the rabbit runs are far more distinct than on plough or drilled fields.




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  whippetmike said:
as long as you can see there run and there hop you can set them between each hop as you would set in a grass field
you can set snares anywhere there are runs , i snare them running up the vertical faces of dry stone walls at times its quite easy onece you gain experience . and you don,t set snares between the beats , you set them right across the middle of the beat .
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