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this is my dog sam he as started to drink a lot of water and p--sing for a long time what does this mean can you help thanks :hmm:

what do you feed him

dry food mainly veg and meat know and then.

soak the nuts and dont give the dog ham or salty meats c how ya fair ya working the dog hard doing much exercise??

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this is my dog sam he as started to drink a lot of water and p--sing for a long time what does this mean can you help thanks :hmm:

what do you feed him

dry food mainly veg and meat know and then.


Try soaking his dry food, with water or gravy for flavour etc.


What colour is his urine? dark or light? any changes in his diet before you noticed this? how old is he?

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this is my dog sam he as started to drink a lot of water and p--sing for a long time what does this mean can you help thanks :hmm:

what do you feed him

dry food mainly veg and meat know and then.

How old is the dog? Has it had a collision with another dog or object? What colour is its urine? Does it seem in pain when it passes water?

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this is my dog sam he as started to drink a lot of water and p--sing for a long time what does this mean can you help thanks :hmm:

what do you feed him

dry food mainly veg and meat know and then.

How old is the dog? Has it had a collision with another dog or object? What colour is its urine? Does it seem in pain when it passes water?Meant to include ,is the dog tender around the kidney area?

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