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Slowly Dying Lap Top

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Packard Bell 'EasyNote'. Bought Nov', 2004. Running XP. Running an AMD Athlon 2600+ Processor. 526 MHZ and 192 MB of RAM.


That's really about as much as I know how to tell ye. I haven't really got a clue what any of it means either.


I can only add that I've just, tonight, restored it to it's factory settings so it's only carrying what it came with, plus FireFox which I've reinstalled as it's Browser.


I did that because it's been whining like a woman and slower than a painfull death for some time now. It still is! But how come it never did this when I got it, and I've just restored it - near as damnit - to how it was when I got it?


It's also taken to just freezing up and all sorts of shit of late. It's dying. I know that. I just seem powerless to cure it of what ever's killing it. And yes, I keep it scrupulously 'clean' and it's not bunged up with files as I have the vast bulk of anything on an external HDD which isn't even connected right now. Still it's whining and grinding and taking for ever to do anything. Never used to. Any one got a clue Why, please?


I can see me vanishing off line presently. It'll die completely one of these days and I'll be well f*cked then. It'd be a small consolation to at least know what killed me :(


Anyone? Quick; Before it Does go tits up!




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Guest bobsuperdog

culd it be a fan on its way out and thats what causeing the prosesser to over heat and cut out


if its dieing ditch

you shouldent let your companion suffer

its been with you for a long while now

and maby its time to let go

" rainbow bridge " time

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try www.tweakxp.com thats some good advice for making your pc run faster


also have you got alot of background programs running because 192mb ram aint really enough these days for most of the stuff we run. u might have alot of useless background programs running (only able to tell if you know what your looking for)

also my experience with firefox isnt a good one. a full hdd format is recomended if you havnt already done this,


hope you can get it sorted matey

Edited by tucker2008
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try www.tweakxp.com thats some good advice for making your pc run faster


also have you got alot of background programs running because 192mb ram aint really enough these days for most of the stuff we run. u might have alot of useless background programs running (only able to tell if you know what your looking for)

also my experience with firefox isnt a good one.


hope you can get it sorted matey

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i think maltenby maybe right could be hardrive.get a new 1 £50 for a 160gb and more ram at least 1gb £25ish slap windows back on and should be a lot faster if you havent got a copy of xp let me know and can sort that for you.or accidently drop your comp out of bedroom window :whistling: and claim goodluck.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
i wouldnt want to see you off line as you are the voice of reason on this site , if you got any way of collecting or getting it delivered i got a spare pc here in south wales you can have .



Rather stopped me in my tracks, that one. What's a bloke mean't to say, eh? FS.


:notworthy: <-- Seems the only place to start. THANKYOU for your very generous and decent gesture comes to mind too.


Now then; I've been told straight, in PM, by a young man who's qualified to know that it's my actual Processor burning out. I really am f*cked here and am on borrowed time. This Lap Top - all I have in the world - is breathing its last as I struggle to get this Post to appear. Thing could stop working tonight. Could not be able to get on in the morning. Might last days or weeks yet. One can't tell. But it's acting right now like it's Seriously wanting to crawl off and die in peace. We're talking; " Houston? ..... We have one C*** of a problem! ".


I'm whaffling away here because I'm trying to think straight under extreme stress. I'm expecting the screen to go black or blue at any moment. I can Hear this SOB whine and grind! Bottom line is; I'm scared.


Ok. PC from South Wales to Eire? Dogs we've managed. PC's are different. I need two things: A Courier who 'Does' Eire. And shit loads of money to pay that b*stard (though, admittedly; Nothing like what a new pc would cost!). I haven't got time to be all proud and gracious. I haven't got time to feel sorry for myself. I'll just have to Find the money somehow and some time. Mheanwhile: I need a f*cking Courier. Killgerm use Target. But they don't run for Joe Public, for some obscure reason. I'm whaffling again :icon_redface: Thinking through the key board.


If I die, Dean o Reardon will be my link. He's a member here and can reach me easily. Text, phone or turn up at my gate.


Parcel Force could bring it to the North. That'd be easier and cheaper. But getting it down here would be a logistical nightmare. Been there. Done that.


F*ck this. I'm off to Google to try and find a Courier. Ade: Any idea what that box weighs, mate? Obviously, I only need the basic pc too. I have everything else here, mouse to screen. Just need that pc casing full of wires and shit.


You're a Gentleman, mate. :notworthy: And I'm f*cking desperate!

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