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R I P. Buck

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Put Buck   pts yesterday,  he had cancer from that big lump I said before.  That growed  big   , he lost lot weight and getting weak, couldn't jump in back of car had drag him in. I knew  the time was

You gave that dog a life and a half old boy .  shed no tears of sadness for that jukel ray , fill your heart with pride instead .  Who’s have thought when you picked him up , that there’d be

Come on ray don't ever stop with the weights and measure thing ...this place won't be the same without it... I remember meeting you the first time at the Midland....you had Bryn with you about a

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Sorry to hear that Ray end of an era mate very sad. I blubbered like baby when I did mine down the vet and she came out and did it back of van for me.  We spend so much time with the buggers. He had a grand life with you that’s what counts. Next dog you have be lucky one too

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35 minutes ago, bird said:

Yeh, trig real shame, you know he was very good lamping dog, all them nights we did with him, yeh with old Bryn and buster now . I knew   feel very sad about it as well , he deff  be missed big  time for both of us mate. 😵

Had the pleasure of all of your company some time ago out on the out back Norfolk marshes (the proper slop) and had some sport with you and the dogs named above, great night and remember it well Chaps, RIP Buck and chin up Ray as as hard as it is ,it's better we had the time with them than never having it in the first place mate..:victory:..

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2 hours ago, bird said:

Put Buck   pts yesterday,  he had cancer from that big lump I said before.  That growed  big   , he lost lot weight and getting weak, couldn't jump in back of car had drag him in. I knew  the time was right  to do it, I thought  lost my wife  Feb 2024, now me old lamping  mate gone, had 12 years as most know on here . He been.my best lamping filled my freezer= deer , hares , rabbits  kill  foxes, and bring them back to me. With people  , kids , spot on with dogs  great never been a fighter good job really as wreak most other  dogs if gone at the like his foxes. Took him in, well I thought I got no more  tears left in me, vet said hold his head, just as she jabbed  him, he looked right into eyes he knew what coming, that  did me fookin he'll I deff had some for the old  lad. So that's it lads know more height,/weight talk he gone now..once moved back to South staffs,  I prob get a ex worker male lurcher just as pet for mooching, prob june/July  no rush yet. Ray




You gave that dog a life and a half old boy . 

shed no tears of sadness for that jukel ray , fill your heart with pride instead . 

Who’s have thought when you picked him up , that there’d be hundreds of geezers online who’ve never met you or him , sat reading this with a sad heart for you both ! 

you and him are part of the fabric of this forum.  He’ll be there when you go up buddy . Waiting . 


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1 hour ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

You gave that dog a life and a half old boy . 

shed no tears of sadness for that jukel ray , fill your heart with pride instead . 

Who’s have thought when you picked him up , that there’d be hundreds of geezers online who’ve never met you or him , sat reading this with a sad heart for you both ! 

you and him are part of the fabric of this forum.  He’ll be there when you go up buddy . Waiting . 


Thanks Stiff, and other  lads  on here  been great 12 years lamping I had with him, took fare bit of game with him.met some great lads  on here,  Yeh  real quite here now,  but as said couple months time  once I've moved I try to get  a ex worker  as a pet, and some mooching  about.  .Ray

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Sympathise with,.. and relate to your loss fellah😪

You had some good times with the old jukel,.. and it is obvious that you will miss him ..

We are down to our last and final lurcher bitch,...and when she goes (it is probably her last Summer🤔 then that is that...

No more dogs for me ..

Take care, stay safe,...all the best, OldPhil.🙏🏾

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