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Wilf keep calm. Breathe deeply.

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8 minutes ago, WILF said:

Except they ain’t are they, they are taking some carpet bagger commissioned quack study and then writing it in a way to provoke the most “outraged” reaction……f***ing hacks ! lol 

Bollocks as usual, would you like more scientific studies posting that says similar?

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12 minutes ago, Goly said:

It's not the Mail saying this though is it really, they are just repeating what scientists are saying.

The same ones pushing this gender bender crap, the critical race theory, blm utter tripe, fact is the world they all put down and live in and protest in was built by the white man

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Just now, Lenmcharristar said:

The same ones pushing this gender bender crap, the critical race theory, blm utter tripe, fact is the world they all put down and live in and protest in was built by the white man

No, the ones doing objective science, but excitable chaps from both sides of the coin get carried away with the headlines. They are not saying that they know for certain that Europeans were as black as the ace of spades and had just come out the Serengeti neither are they saying that the white race arrived from heaven out of nowhere.



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2 hours ago, Lenmcharristar said:

The same ones pushing this gender bender crap, the critical race theory, blm utter tripe, fact is the world they all put down and live in and protest in was built by the white man

Theres a reason that the people who hate us most will do anything to live with us.

Its a sad state of society when even " science " has been infiltrated.......the one thing you thought you could rely on ffs !

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Boy they are really making this stuff more and more idiotic. First they said they were black....then they said dark skinned like the Greek and Romans who came there ..all within a few sentences 🤦 

If what science says is correct and Africa is the whatever you wanna call it of humanity and we as a whole spread from there ...then yeah people movings around 5000 years ago where people kinda dark in completion. A people need to be in an environment for a long time before pigmentation and other things start to develop.... But to just go and say " they where black and they where black and these people where black" .... Is such a brain dead over simplification. And then to go and say well they where more brown skinned from the Romans and greeks ..... Like we're talking two separate things and ...Lord help me😮💨

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4 minutes ago, Wolfdog91 said:

Boy they are really making this stuff more and more idiotic. First they said they were black....then they said dark skinned like the Greek and Romans who came there ..all within a few sentences 🤦 

If what science says is correct and Africa is the whatever you wanna call it of humanity and we as a whole spread from there ...then yeah people movings around 5000 years ago where people kinda dark in completion. A people need to be in an environment for a long time before pigmentation and other things start to develop.... But to just go and say " they where black and they where black and these people where black" .... Is such a brain dead over simplification. And then to go and say well they where more brown skinned from the Romans and greeks ..... Like we're talking two separate things and ...Lord help me😮💨

Well said mate, see you lot, even the darkie gets it ! lol 


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I only put the link up for a laugh. The paper only printed it to create a stir. 

I don't think mass immigration is opposed because of skin colour but rather the societal /cultural norms and religious  beliefs which some immigrants bring. Multiculturalism is a word to hide the tensions  which lumping together people of vastly different beliefs   into a limited space brings. Mass immigration has  brought tremendous pressure on public services and housing. It has also depressed wage rates.

In the past, in both Britain and America, immigration was welcomed as a source of cheap labour. The states welcomed immigrants from all over the world. They would be sprayed with DDT to kill bugs and within a few years they  had a mortgage and were driving big saloon cars.

When I've  been down on my luck, I've worked in textile mills with Pakistanis who the week before were living in self built tin shacks with no sanitation  and driving buffalo carts. The UK, the mother country, brought them untold wealth. Some of which they sent home. But many  also brought primitive beliefs and at its worst, the horror of mass rape of primarily white  British  children. Skin colour is immaterial. It is only an adaption to climate. Its the person inside the skin and his/her beliefs which is the issue.

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