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New Beretta shotgun

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Over the last few weeks I have seen a number of Youtube reviews for the new 688 Performance o/u clay gun, with a laminated stock, not normally something which floats my boat BUT the reviews are really complimentery about this gun which whilst not cheap (what is cheap nowadays), it sits between the Silver Pigeon and the 694 averaging around  £3k.  As a retired ole fart, spending that sort of money is not something I can easily do although my cottage is up for sale so a new gun will be on the cards  when we move. 

My clay shooting has over the past couple of years taken a back seat due to grounds closing and change of ownership and of course sheer cost so on a pension and both my wife and myself shooting at an average of £9 per round of 25 birds.............................. it's bloody expensive.  I do have a clay trap which is left on one of my perms but that is not the same as going to a good clay ground. We will be starting again in the spring but not to the level that I used to shoot ie competitions.

I have a few clay guns which will stay in the cabinet as my skeet guns are brilliant for roost shooting woodpigeon although my trap gun might go as I use a sporter for most things and a 32'' 688 WILL do all that I want in a clay gun. 

Prior to this launch, I looked at the new Beretta SP2 , a stunning looking gun with a price tag to go with it so despite it being a superb gun (again from reviews) it is well out of my reach starting at £9k+

I will be taking one on loan nearer the time when I can afford it to try for myself.

To tempt you, here is one of the reviews.   



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