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Monkey boots.

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1 hour ago, WILF said:

I think clothes is one of those things that even if you ain’t got a pot to piss in, you can still put on a bit of decent clobber and square yourself up…..Maybe that’s an old fashioned thing, I don’t know ?

Cant stand these blokes who walk about like f***ing winos in dirty, creased shit, rotten shoes and  everything looks like it lives permanent on the bedroom floor and doubles as a cat bed !

We went on one of those caravan holidays once’s with the kids, Dymchurchas I remember…..first night we thought “have a look in the club house”

Theres was a bloke in there in a vest, shiny tracksuit bottoms and formal shoes !……I just said, come on we’re leaving ! lol 

No need for anyone to walk around like a scruffy c**t these days.I love a bit of designer clobber and used to spend a bomb on my daughter dressing her up in all the labels when she was little but as she's got to a teenager she's found her own style.Bit baggy,skatery,come emo goth and buys a lot of it on temu/shein but still always looks clean and smart.I went to her options evening the other night at the grammer school  she goes too and one thing I noticed was it was all the hoity toity toffee nosed c**ts who looked like sacks of s**t tied up in the middle and their kids had uniforms that looked like they needed renewing a year ago and hadn't had a good wash or a decent iron in months.

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Not as bad as the c**ts still wearing Paul Weller haircuts!

Fcukin monkey boots haha they for dykes an trannies haha 

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2 hours ago, mackem said:

Crocs are the bollocks,got a few pairs,love them in the summer.Every single one of us has an individual look,you can’t just write crocs off like that man.

Add socks and the crocs rock ! 

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7 minutes ago, waltjnr said:

Love em mack ,comfy as fuk ,and I've done the sock thing ,

I have to admit Walt,I just wear them without socks in the summer.


1 minute ago, Leo Sayer said:

Mixing above my circle lol 

we have all done that I think,it’s good for us to see how the other half live.

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2 hours ago, WILF said:

I think clothes is one of those things that even if you ain’t got a pot to piss in, you can still put on a bit of decent clobber and square yourself up…..Maybe that’s an old fashioned thing, I don’t know ?

Cant stand these blokes who walk about like f***ing winos in dirty, creased shit, rotten shoes and  everything looks like it lives permanent on the bedroom floor and doubles as a cat bed !

We went on one of those caravan holidays once’s with the kids, Dymchurchas I remember…..first night we thought “have a look in the club house”

Theres was a bloke in there in a vest, shiny tracksuit bottoms and formal shoes !……I just said, come on we’re leaving ! lol 

Cheeky xxxx , that was my best vest 😁.

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7 minutes ago, Goly said:

Before I had kids I'd think nothing of wasting a couple of grand on clobber when shopping, now I have a panic attack if I spend more than 100 quid, snides from Turkey all the way! Lol

Tbh honestly mate I've got maybe a dozen CP company and Stoney sweatshirts.Last year we was over in Turkey and one evening it was a bit chilly one evening so I went in a shop and spent 45quid on a snide cp sweater.I could have gone cheaper but some of them were proper sketchy so spent a bit more on one which looked and fitted well.Honestly when I got it home you literally cannot tell the difference between the snide and genuine ones that I've dropped 240quid on.

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I own .

1 pair work boots.

1 pair shooting boots .

1 pair camo crocs( for nighttime piddling in my woodland).

2 pairs walking boots .

1 pair black shoes ( for weddings and funerals).

I spend most of my life in work uniform,  or green shooting gear. Even my decent gear is moleskin trousers and a countryman shirt.

If I'm at a funeral , I'll be the smartest person there . The rest of the time I couldn't give a f**k really . I have to be clean though. I don't care how dirty I get , but I have to be clean afterwards . I can't stand being smelly,  or having smelly folk around me ( thats why id rather walk somewhere than catch a bus).

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18 hours ago, Bangersanmash said:

Anybody out there still wear monkey boots. Never heard of them before. Bit like doc martin's. Smart looking boots. Just ordered myself a pair. For when I go out with misses to pub for a meal an few beers. I've a pair of trickers but a like the style of these boots. Got myself a new top too. It's about time a bought some new gear. My lads walk around in new gear an im walking around in shite. Lol 



Sorry to say mate but their nothing like the original money  boots

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10 minutes ago, mel b said:

 . I have to be clean though. I don't care how dirty I get , but I have to be clean afterwards . I can't stand being smelly

Likewise,decent deodorant/aftershave.

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