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5 hours ago, WataWalloper said:

The bane of many a workplace, I look at my phone as do many others, but there’s having a look at your phone an down right skiving like a lazy Cnut or worse a dumb Cnut that don’t even know they doing it cos they stuck in some tik tok bubble haha 

Got one at work who's constantly on Facebook ect and another who's wife must ring him half a dozen times a day for nonsense reasons like the local shop has a deal on chicken pieces 😂

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5 hours ago, WataWalloper said:

The bane of many a workplace, I look at my phone as do many others, but there’s having a look at your phone an down right skiving like a lazy Cnut or worse a dumb Cnut that don’t even know they doing it cos they stuck in some tik tok bubble haha 

Terrible the warehouse i work in with the younger generation and the company aren't bothered as long as the job's getting done even worse when they walk about talking to someone on loud speaker i just think ffs and another ex miner like me used to say imagine these fekers down the pit not having their phones to look at every minute. Lol 😆 

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44 minutes ago, Chid said:

Got one at work who's constantly on Facebook ect and another who's wife must ring him half a dozen times a day for nonsense reasons like the local shop has a deal on chicken pieces 😂

Local shop has a deal on chicken pies. Cracked me up that. My brother came to see me at work last week. An his misses was doing kiss sounds to him and him her. A was like you soppy c**t ffs. Like you say ringing him up every half hour. An she's at work. Him asking what you upto love. She's ment too be f***ing working daft c**t. Ad show her p45 stood about. 

Edited by Bangersanmash
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My workplace says you shouldn’t be on the phone it should be in your pocket , though people do sneakily text or go on social media ,

I read other day that kids as young as 6 have seen sexual images in their phones I wouldn’t dream of giving one of mine a phone at 6 they had one when they went to comp , when I was 6 I was happy playing with Britain’s farm toys ffs .

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We was grafting away on a hard job in Croydon one night, going hell for leather as we always did and my old guvnor had got a lad in to make up the numbers…..all he had to do was run the lift up and down, anyway each time we get there he is in his phone f***ing about and generally slowing everything down so my old guvnor grabbed his phone and threw it out of the 10th floor window…..job done ! lol 

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We won't even entertain young lads anymore coz every chance they get they're hiding round a corner looking at they're phone.Ive got 2 old brickies in their 60s coming in next week to give us a hand getting a big extension up and I'll end up bumping all the bicks and blocks out and knocking up the muck rather than try another useless youngster who claims they're a hard worker but can't go 5 minutes without checking Instagram 

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True story.

Few years back I was up north at my mates and me, him and his son ended up in a pub in Campbeltown which happened to have a pool table. I mentioned to the son I was a decent pool player in my day but hadn't played for years to which he asked if I wanted to play for twenty quid. Now he's a tight wee git so I'm thinking must be confident. Went so far as to tell me so. Ok says I and off we go, well he was shit and I mean shit. Gets my twenty quid (eventually) and told him so.  Turns out he'd only ever played pool on his phone.  Quick learner though, he declined double or quits.

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Saying about phones do you remember the old brick type in the late 80s the one that del boy had in fools and horses with his planner fancy giving them to the kids to day they wouldnt have a clue or stuck on to social media on there's PlayStations and xboxes all we had was snakes and ladders I don't know what the kids, next door do they always running around screaming while one makes noises must be total NUTTERS THEIR KIDS OF COURSE







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