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19 hours ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

As the father of a child who wears noise cancelling headphones , I couldn’t say yes or no to anything . I have two kids , both have idiosyncratic traits from the normal regular , existence . I think sadly that both my kids were cursed genetically in a perfect mish mash of me and my wife . 

When you have children who have issues such as an asd condition it’s extremely hard not to reflect on your own faults . For many years , I have been told I see the world in a different way than my friends , as in , I’ll go and do something that they would deem irrelevant and to me it’s the most important thing in the world . I can’t sit start a job until I have a perfectly clear work space , it drives me to distraction . My son also had to have all his toys away etc before he is perfectly happy to start aligning his work force for the day activities . 

autism isn’t a new thing , it’s just more widely supported and accepted . It still has the stigma of “that bad kid in the class “ or “5”the spacker who can’t act properly at the school play” but in all honestly , I wouldn’t change him for the world , life will be tough for my little man , he has the nature that most kids his age can’t deal with , he’s never had a birthday party , or an invite , never mind a friend . But he doesn’t need one . 




🙏 how does he like the horses pal? I find them extremely therapeutic I hope he does as well 

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As the father of a child who wears noise cancelling headphones , I couldn’t say yes or no to anything . I have two kids , both have idiosyncratic traits from the normal regular , existence . I think s

Get ready it goes on for generations mate my grandson has all the same traits I did when young but he won’t be beaten or drugged up with tranquillisers as I was because I get him and we are best mates

Depends what you class as “bad behaviour”, for lots of these kids autism and it’s related conditions absolutely IS an excuse for “Bad”?? Behaviour because they don’t fit neatly into the box created by

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12 hours ago, jukel123 said:

Not quite lol. But kids in the fifties had no stress because although  school was a pain (literally)but there were no such things as scary exams or peer pressure or having poorer quality clothes than other kids because everybody was in the same boat. There was nothing to do in the house so you played out from morning till night. There was the baths, the picture house on Saturdays and bombed houses to explore. There were part time jobs and fights to settle differences instead of bitching on Instagram or Tik Tok. You could literally have a scrap and become friends again in seconds. I had no worries whatsoever. Enough grub, lots of friends and a feeling of belonging  to the community. I have 90 odd per cent good memories of my childhood. Teenage years were a very different story.


We had fxck all.but we had everything.

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I was in-between I was spoilt, had radio controlled car, computer stuff , but also had freedom, guns knives , woods to venture out in , my kids it's a different thing , have to think about cars , scumbags , other kids with access to Internet, it's a tight rope bringing up youngins these days..

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