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Morning all, 

Was having a chat with my uncle recently and as always we got on the subject of dogs, mainly lurchers and spaniels. Ive heard plenty of his stories throughout my life regarding lamping and coursing but never much on his times spent digging with terriers as was never a great interest of mine. I knew he did it but wasn't aware how much. After listening to several stories which are new to me it came to my attention he did it quite a lot and thoroughly enjoyed it. Anyway he left my house with "a passion for coursing 2" as said he'd like to read it. He's got a birthday coming up soon so was thinking about getting him a terrier/digging book. Ive not got any and never read any terrier books so I'm hoping someone could suggest a good read that I can get him? Obviously books from Darcy spring to mind but there are several to choose from and I can't find many reviews. Thanks.

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