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Possibly after a stud this year

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11 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

the hard bits done you have seasons of running a quality dog to look forward to why would i sell it ? there going to ain’t they some plum has cleaned shite and piss up and had the hassle of bringing on a pup for them to get the running out of it they would be daft not to 

Some man bangers one minute cursing men for filming their dogs next minute getting gifted dvds left right and centre and then crabbing men for studding their dogs and then selling his own for money after a couple of seasons lol 




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Ayup lads. I read in this section but don't post much, for my own reasons. I always wanted a pup off my bitch, her early days were on here before I went quiet. I'm considering breeding her t

Here’s a dog for you rinaldo, nice long back fast as a skud missile and I wear sketchers not Nike 

If you after little whizz bang poaching dogs  my pals a Irish terrier / whippet dog there about 5 year old done plenty 

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43 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

the same bitch tomo seen do 5 of 2 slips out a blondie another seen doing it lol it’s in the blood and will pop up mate 

That means shit mate  5 off 2 slip that's God honest truth.  It's all maths and physics. How long was the runs , when was the runs month. Did the dog finish them in a short time. So the dog ran 4 on 1 slip then 1 on second. 3 on one slip then 2 off second slip. You need to be more pacific mate. Means nothing if the runs were short lived. 

Edited by Bangersanmash
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3 minutes ago, scotty12 said:

Some man bangers one minute cursing men for filming their dogs next minute getting gifted dvds left right and centre and then crabbing men for studding their dogs and then selling his own for money after a couple of seasons lol 




There's a difference wanting 5k for a mating mate. An a didn't sell the dogs for stupid money. It was more about who the dogs were going too. 

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9 minutes ago, Goly said:

I couldn't bring myself to sell a dog for thousands mate, an old pal I was gassing to the other week in the pub sold one of his lab bitches for 30k, where's your limit mC? Lol

Same here . There's no price . Knocked good dough back in past.  No chance. Respect my charges too much

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10 hours ago, scotty12 said:

Aww I see your a fan boy to the famous dvd men never had you down  as an arss licker but just shows you, you think you know someone and then ....... 

as long as your happy to mc ? What was I up his arss with the other week ? Loll 

Your winkle 

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6 minutes ago, scotty12 said:

Some man bangers one minute cursing men for filming their dogs next minute getting gifted dvds left right and centre and then crabbing men for studding their dogs and then selling his own for money after a couple of seasons lol 




Didn't curse men for filming the dogs " A said about where you put your footage " Like on open forums that anyone can come on without signing in an see.  It's upto them if they film the dogs. Am not into the shite back ground music either. But back when the DVDs first come out only a few had them. Then somebody came up with selling them on ebay putting clips on youtube. Few had money in the making of the DVDs. But if it was me I wouldn't have made them where any c**t could buy them. We've got f***ing idiots in the game now. Many on youtube holding hares up. Dick heads leaving them on road side. Then they wonder why the games f****d. 

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16 minutes ago, scotty12 said:

Is the white dog the best one you've had mc ? What's the best dog you've seen with your own eyes ? 

yes mate best day time ive had for style etc and killed most his brother identical he’s quality aswell mine maybe a bit better round cover but i’d a taken either i had an old charlie bitch lived to 15 she wasn’t far off 

mines the best i’ve seen but i’ve seen loads of him but his style speed he runs with class 

but i’ve seen loads would compete with him could beat him mate m little red bitch can kill em and on her day come out on top that lucas bred bitch marcus has would be hard to beat mate quality bitch he aint unbeatable if your been fair none are 

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13 minutes ago, Bangersanmash said:

There's a difference wanting 5k for a mating mate. An a didn't sell the dogs for stupid money. It was more about who the dogs were going too. 

Much you sell them for wancock ? 

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16 minutes ago, Bangersanmash said:

That means shit mate  5 off 2 slip that's God honest truth.  It's all maths and physics. How long was the runs , when was the runs month. Did the dog finish them in a short time. So the dog ran 4 on 1 slip then 1 on second. 3 on one slip then 2 off second slip. You need to be more pacific mate. Means nothing if the runs were short lived. 

Maths an physics hahaha where fcuk did you hear that, cos you don’t even know what maths an physics are ffs haha

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8 minutes ago, The drover said:

Same here . There's no price . Knocked good dough back in past.  No chance. Respect my charges too much

im like it mate they are  a good un they stay put if i retire them ten 11 with family old lady sister etc it’s on the couch for them 

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5 minutes ago, The drover said:

Same here . There's no price . Knocked good dough back in past.  No chance. Respect my charges too much

Come on if you got offered 30 bags you wouldn't take the money. I'd buy another 4 pups an still have 20 bags.

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24 minutes ago, Goly said:

I couldn't bring myself to sell a dog for thousands mate, an old pal I was gassing to the other week in the pub sold one of his lab bitches for 30k, where's your limit mC? Lol

All depends on each individuals circumstances at the time if you've got a young family 30k can prosper their life especially the way the cost of living is just now 

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5 minutes ago, WataWalloper said:

Maths an physics hahaha where fcuk did you hear that, cos you don’t even know what maths an physics are ffs haha

You under estimate me. All these great hunters. Dogs that hunt up , dogs that eat heads after a run pulling puddings out. Not one of you has said f**k that. A dog trying to Wolfe its kill down. Wtf. 

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