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Do not burn the holy book.

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I’m not a fan of burning books….didn’t the Nazi’s do that ? Ive read the Bible, the Quran, Mien Kampf, The Communist Manifesto, and many other “contentious” books and I’d rather read them and mak

We will, sadly , always have home grown wrong ‘uns, but my personal opinion is that I would rather deport every asylum seeker than see one more child stabbed, blown up or run over by someone who shoul

He was being a disrespectful idiot and deserved a slap, just like a Muslim who burned the Bible would. But it comes down to what I have said many a time, most people in UK just don't care, being less

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It would be a better situation if someone who burned a Koran was viewed as a nutter and ignored , but in this climate it's viewed as a demonstration of a lack of free speech at best and possibly the undercurrent of a swelling opinion that islam doesn't fit well within our culture as we knew it. 

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16 minutes ago, mackem said:

The physical bible is not considered a holy book,the koran is.


The 47-year-old was detained on suspicion of a racially aggravated public order offence


It is considered holy to those who are religious. But the truth is, the majority of Christians don't have any interest, which is progression to most. But, if we keep on turning the other cheek, they will walk all over us, despite what Jesus told us.

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5 minutes ago, Borr said:

It would be a better situation if someone who burned a Koran was viewed as a nutter and ignored , but in this climate it's viewed as a demonstration of a lack of free speech at best and possibly the undercurrent of a swelling opinion that islam doesn't fit well within our culture as we knew it. 

Because that's exactly what it was, he could have burned the book in his back garden, but he thought he would put on a demonstration and got a few digs in return, which is understandable, yet unlawful.

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13 minutes ago, mackem said:

The physical bible is not considered a holy book,the koran is.


The 47-year-old was detained on suspicion of a racially aggravated public order offence


i not a well read clever  man like charts  is, but my up bringing  was C. E  religion , .ok i dont know the Bible  page for page , but  ok with what i was taught at school  from it . Bit it would get my back up , if seen it done on the street  deff .😠

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4 minutes ago, Borr said:

It would be a better situation if someone who burned a Koran was viewed as a nutter and ignored , but in this climate it's viewed as a demonstration of a lack of free speech at best and possibly the undercurrent of a swelling opinion that islam doesn't fit well within our culture as we knew it. 

Islam DOESN’T  fit in with our Western culture.

Muslims, not all but certainly a majority, from North Africa, The Middle East, the Indian Sub-Continent, etc , have a completely different mindset  to us. 
Those that come here see a society that is far more free and tolerant than the one they come from and abuse it. Others see a society that is at odds with the one they came from and rail against it and try to change it to what they were used to !

Some, a minority, try and assimilate, and do so with great effect.

But on the whole, the majority are not suited to a free, democratic society.


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11 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

Breaking news! 
Knifeman stabs five in Austria.

Not even surprising now…… 


Be wise to not jump to conclusions, unless it's been revealed who it was? 

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12 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

Breaking news! 
Knifeman stabs five in Austria.

Not even surprising now…… 


Don't tell me,they burnt a koran?

It will be interesting to see the chasm of punishment between a book-burner and a knifeman intent on stabbing someone on the streets of London when both trials conclude.

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40 minutes ago, Goly said:

Be wise to not jump to conclusions, unless it's been revealed who it was? 

Not jumping to any conclusions, but latest report say the perpetrator is a Syrian asylum seeker……


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1 hour ago, bird said:

i not a well read clever  man like charts  is, but my up bringing  was C. E  religion , .ok i dont know the Bible  page for page , but  ok with what i was taught at school  from it . Bit it would get my back up , if seen it done on the street  deff .😠

spot on bird

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1 minute ago, chartpolski said:

Not jumping to any conclusions, but latest report say the perpetrator is a Syrian asylum seeker……


Fair enough, but I see the Swedish shooting thread didn't gain much traction. No dig at you but I wonder why that is? 

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Just now, mC HULL said:

spot on bird

He's right, if we are being honest it would put everyone's back up and we'd all be wishing he got a good kicking. We can't act all outraged when it happens the other way around. 

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3 minutes ago, Goly said:

Fair enough, but I see the Swedish shooting thread didn't gain much traction. No dig at you but I wonder why that is? 

The reason the UK government has put 'far right extremism' joint top with Muslim extremists is because they know that Europe wide they are creating and provoking it , likes of Merkel and Blair and the whole lot of them are truly responsible for it. Action and reaction...all for the vision of some elites and apologist liberals and socialists and globalists....

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7 minutes ago, Goly said:

Fair enough, but I see the Swedish shooting thread didn't gain much traction. No dig at you but I wonder why that is? 

When the left wing apologists say “ but.. but.. but.. what about the local guy who murdered someone ? “ I say , “ exactly ! We have more than enough home grown nut cases without importing more !”.


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