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Do not burn the holy book.

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I have seen the original footage,even the passing deliveroo driver,presumably muslim,puts a boot into the book burner when he is on the ground.

Here's the original,the knifeman was arrested......and released.



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I’m not a fan of burning books….didn’t the Nazi’s do that ? Ive read the Bible, the Quran, Mien Kampf, The Communist Manifesto, and many other “contentious” books and I’d rather read them and mak

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He was being a disrespectful idiot and deserved a slap, just like a Muslim who burned the Bible would. But it comes down to what I have said many a time, most people in UK just don't care, being less

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I’m not a fan of burning books….didn’t the Nazi’s do that ?

Ive read the Bible, the Quran, Mien Kampf, The Communist Manifesto, and many other “contentious” books and I’d rather read them and make my own mind up than have someone burning books and telling me what I can or can’t read.

What if the anti’s and Greens started burning hunting books ? 

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4 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

What if the anti’s and Greens started burning hunting books ? 

Absolutely nowt Charts,no one would bat an eye,DB Plummer?Pffttttt hoy it on the bonfire.

If someone burnt a bible on the streets of Chelsea I guarantee they wouldn't get attacked by a knife wielding swivel eyed lunatic,guarantee it,they might get a Tskkk Tsskkkk from a passer-by for littering however.

The book burner was an ex-muslim.

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2 minutes ago, mackem said:

Absolutely nowt Charts,no one would bat an eye,DB Plummer?Pffttttt hoy it on the bonfire.

If someone burnt a bible on the streets of Chelsea I guarantee they wouldn't get attacked by a knife wielding swivel eyed lunatic,guarantee it,they might get a Tskkk Tsskkkk from a passer-by for littering however.

The book burner was an ex-muslim.

See that this week Mack,did the old boy that turned up own the building? Thought it was 5 years for waving a knife about ?? Slippery fker ! 

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Just now, waltjnr said:

See that this week Mack,did the old boy that turned up own the building? Thought it was 5 years for waving a knife about ?? Slippery fker ! 

Two weeks ago guy shot dead in Sweden-burnt a book.


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16 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

 I’d rather read them and make my own mind up than have someone burning books and telling me what I can or can’t read.

And by the same logic you should be able to burn a book you bought and paid for without someone telling you you can or can't no?

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He was being a disrespectful idiot and deserved a slap, just like a Muslim who burned the Bible would. But it comes down to what I have said many a time, most people in UK just don't care, being less religious has made us weaker collectively.

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2 minutes ago, Goly said:

He was being a disrespectful idiot and deserved a slap, just like a Muslim who burned the Bible would. But it comes down to what I have said many a time, most people in UK just don't care, being less religious has made us weaker collectively.

Sort of agree ,if we all got down the church ,made a big thing of everything on the Christian calendar, we could kick off  every time our way of life was disrespected 

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The bible-burner,was fast tracked through court this morning,he needed an interpreter,couldn't speak English.The knifeman is due up on Monday.Priorities.


Hamit Coskun, of Derby, was allegedly filmed burning the Quran in west London on Thursday, police...


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8 minutes ago, waltjnr said:

Sort of agree ,if we all got down the church ,made a big thing of everything on the Christian calendar, we could kick off  every time our way of life was disrespected 

But then would that just make us hypocrites? I mean making a song & dance over something we don't really believe in? But religion does bring unity, can you imagine a group of Muslims burning the bible in Poland, they would get a right paggering, and the Police would join in. Lol

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Time for some good old fashioned solidarity. Every publication in the western world should simultaneously publish an image of Mohammad for a year.

Perhaps all individual religious books should be burned simultaneously in a  bonfire across Europe. This would not be censorship. There would be plenty of copies left for anybody who wants to read them. It would not be an act of provocation or disrespect but an attempt to make all religious persuasions understand that  a book in itself cannot be holy. 

My Mrs does a few shifts in a charity shop. Two Pakistani men aggressively  objected to the Koran being on open sale and asked her to take them away. They thought it disrespectful. My Mrs refused and told them the books would  be skipped the same as any other unsold books and asked them  to leave the shop. They were now barred. 

They left but got somebody to come in and buy the books. If a female pensioner can stand up to these zealots, surely publications and governments can.

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23 minutes ago, mackem said:

And by the same logic you should be able to burn a book you bought and paid for without someone telling you you can or can't no?

No, not the same logic, mate.

If I bought a book and didn’t agree with it or enjoyed reading it, I could bin it or throw it on the bonfire at the allotment.

I could even offer it to someone on here who might enjoy it .

I wouldn’t go out into the street and set fire to it.

These people who want the publicity of burning a book in public are either fanatics or mental, maybe both !

Why don’t they go to a “Free Palestine “ march and punch Jeremy Corbyn ? That would get them the attention and notoriety they crave ? Because basically it’s easier to burn a book.

Im of the opinion that the vast knowledge we have is because people wrote it down. Burn all the books and the next step is controlling what we read on the ‘net !

No, read books, make your own mind up if you agree or disagree with them. We are being controlled enough without removing the freedom to read what we want to read !


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