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Bullying at school vid

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We had a horrible PE teacher in our school. We had a really soft brainy kid in our year called Alan , used to walk around with a briefcase the poor Sod. . In year 7 or 8 we were doing the 1,500m and Alan was to scared to ask to go for a piss so eventually pissed himself running . Instead of noticing and taking him to one side and telling him to get changed the PE teacher stopped us all and called us all in so he could berate the kid in front of us . He then marched him over to where the girls were playing netball and made him sit on the side of the court while the rest of us finished the 1,500 . So the poor b*****d had to sit courtside in front of all the girls covered in piss . 

There was a tonne of horrible stuff this teacher done and after I'd left school he was eventually booted out for walking in on the girls changing .

We had a art teacher who was a nasty b*****d , Welsh nationalist who would lose his temper all the time and scare the life out of all of us . Once I was witness to him losing it with one of the older farmer boys in the corridor and the farmer boy giving him shit back and the art teacher just dropped a headbut on him and him and the kid were rolling around on the floor wrestling,  one kid ran down the stairs and went and got the technology teacher who came flying up the stairs and launched the art teacher across the floor and started giving him a few thumps and dragging him out of the building.  Never saw the art teacher again after that the school got did of him 

Amazing to think how times have changed this was from 1995-2000 I was I'm school. 

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I was bullied at secondary school I used to get gang beaten by pakis for some reason they just didn’t like me it started end of year 7 just the occasional good hiding by yr 9 it was more regular just

Yes you are correct I bullied the mother and I’d do it again if I had to no children should be bullied 

Is there anybody still alive where you used to live mate ?

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13 hours ago, WataWalloper said:

Knifes were big in our schools as sad as it is, it was normal an most kids had em an a blades as good an equaliser you can get in your early teens , so was very little bullying full stop when I was at school, being shunned was about as bad as it got, unless ye got slashed or stabbed haha 

THL experts ain't gunna believe that.Knives have only become a thing since all the bloody darkies and foreigners have arrived.It was just good old fistycuffs and then shake hands afterwards back in our day. 

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I can remember first joining high school and having a run in with the biggest hardest b*****d of year 5. Well he battered me all over the play ground, in exhaustion I crumbled to the ground where he ground and pounded me like Tito Ortiz. He shouts to me: "Have you had enough yet!"

Confused and dazed I shout back: "I don't know, it's mi first feyt!"

He never bullied me again, I showed him! 

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4 hours ago, downsouth said:

THL experts ain't gunna believe that.Knives have only become a thing since all the bloody darkies and foreigners have arrived.It was just good old fistycuffs and then shake hands afterwards back in our day. 


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On 09/02/2025 at 17:42, WILF said:

Kidbrooke Park Juniors, 1979……my old man hung my teacher out a 3rd floor window because he wouldn’t let me go and take a piss !

I bet that bloke never acted the c**t with kids under his charge again. 

Get to the chopper!!!!!!!!!!



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I was bullied at secondary school I used to get gang beaten by pakis for some reason they just didn’t like me it started end of year 7 just the occasional good hiding by yr 9 it was more regular just a couple of digs every couple of days the school didn’t want to do feck all about it there useless mid yr9 I was waiting outside the science labs after lunch ready for lesson and I was jumped by this gang of pakis it was a right pasting I was punched kicked and stomped I legged it home crying my old man just finished his 6 till 2 shift I told him what happened he had a bit of a man to man talk with me his final words to me were if you come home crying again your getting dragged out to the yard any your having another beating off me. Following day I didn’t bother lining up after lunch I stashed my school bag waited till lesson had started and went to the class of this main lad he was about 13-14 but looked like a 18-19yr old and told the teacher of his class our year head had sent me to come get him as he’d like a word with him I got him out the class and out the way on his own and gave him the beating I bet he’s still not forgotten I made a mess of him he was screaming like a little bitch I think I was trying to kill him I wanted to repay him for how shit him an his mates had made me feel the police wasn’t involved I was booted out of school for 2months on my return back to school none of these fuckers would come near me they would see me and turn away I couldn’t leave school at the gates though as I had full grown men in cars and taxi drivers waiting for me but I use to just chip the field way on my own it did sub side in the end of yr 9 by mid year 10 I quit school I didn’t really like it I was learning nothing the school helped me get long term work experience in the Toyota garage that I really enjoyed 

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My first born when about 15 /16 was bullied and beat up on a regular basis by the older lads in the village over girls they didn’t like that the girls took a bit of a shine to him  one night he waited underneath a railway bridge with a house brick in hand for the main bully not long after that he joined the forces it was either that or jail in our eyes this year will be his 30th year in the  forces

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I was a bit of a shy  nerd at school and didn't  really grow much until l was in my final year . Luckily l shared an interest in fishing and ferrets with some of the "hard lads" so didn't  get too much of a hard time. 

One day though l was in my favourite place - the school library. I was the only one there until two big lads ,one a noted bully  , from another class came  in and sat right opposite me despite there being plenty of other seats.

The nasty kid started kicking me under the table ,flicking my book shut and moved on to clipping me round the ears.   While the other giggled. 

Without a word l rose, leaving my briefcase( yeh l said l was a nerd🙂) on the desk and acted like l had gone to get another book. Which l did; from the shelf right behind them .It was the biggest book in the rack and it made a lovely sound as l whacked it as hard as l could  against  the side of the tough kid's head. I gave him a couple more before putting the book back on the shelf  ,picking up my briefcase  and casually walking out , leaving him slumped over the desk making odd gasping noises. 

Nothing ever came of it luckily  . Perhaps being laid  out by a nerd in the school library didn't  fit his hard man image and he kept it to himself.

We also had a porky games teacher at the school who made us boys feel very uncomfortable in the showers. In fact he delighted at flicking towels at us.  Some of us became pretty good at cross country running so we could get back and changed before he did.

Some years later l was talking to a chap who had been to the same school ong after l had left. 

Apparently   the towel-flicking pervert had been caught in a compromising situation in the showers with another male  teacher.

The chap who discovered them happened to be a geography teacher who sometimes taught PE  . l remember him well from my time at the school as being tough but fair,mostly tough. So l wasn't surprised to hear that he beat the shxt out of both lover boys and chucked in his resignation before he was sacked for it.

Edited by comanche
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bloody hate bully’s I call that shit out for exactly what it is I’ve never been bullied after the incident at school but it definitely changes you has a person taking multiple good hidings to a point you just don’t give a shit any more I mean it’s quite dangerous knowing you can take a good hiding and you know your capabilities of dishing out a beating back and you no longer give a feck about nothing it puts you on a dangerous path of bad life choices and hanging around with the wrong crowd well it did for me till I was about 20 and settled with a bird who kept me on the straight and narrow plus I got more involved with running dogs 

got another little story of a old mate who was a bully and payed the price I did warn him and so did the rest of our gang/crowd I’ll add it tonight when I get home from work 

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its a strange one aint it you can go from been bullied by older lads most got it really at time akin to mental torture to stopping bullying of lads mams offering to cook you dinner for helping there lad etc to most likely been what some would describe as a bad bully yourself without relising it 


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3 minutes ago, gnasher16 said:

I think most bullies have quite often been bullied themselves at some point.

do you even look at it as bullying at the time ?its a dog eat dog world mate 

some people born nasty c**ts it in them some its from shit they experienced id say

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24 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

do you even look at it as bullying at the time ?its a dog eat dog world mate 

some people born nasty c**ts it in them some its from shit they experienced id say

In the case i explained....yes....i dont know what else you could call it .....a big powerful grown man humiliating young boys because he can,nothing to gain from it etc.....geezer was a wrongun plain and simple.

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Everyone "used" to get bullied in one way or another or at sometime or another. It's how you dealt with it that makes you the person you are.

Today you can't even take the piss without getting the snowflake pose on your back. Doesn't toughen you up for real life. No wonder there are so many anxious pussy clarts  about 🤣 

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