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Bullying at school vid

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Have you seen that vid when a mother enters the classroom and loses her shit on a pupil that’s been bullying her child ?                       Reminds me of when my daughter was bullied the school did f**k all about it so I went to the shop where the bullies mother worked and made her cry no more bullying and next day my daughter had a letter of apology from the bully 

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I was bullied at secondary school I used to get gang beaten by pakis for some reason they just didn’t like me it started end of year 7 just the occasional good hiding by yr 9 it was more regular just

Yes you are correct I bullied the mother and I’d do it again if I had to no children should be bullied 

Is there anybody still alive where you used to live mate ?

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21 minutes ago, dai dogs said:

Have you seen that vid when a mother enters the classroom and loses her shit on a pupil that’s been bullying her child ?                       Reminds me of when my daughter was bullied the school did f**k all about it so I went to the shop where the bullies mother worked and made her cry no more bullying and next day my daughter had a letter of apology from the bully 

Thing is it becomes a fine line....maybe it went down differently to how you described...but it sounded like you bullied the mother...

It's a tuff one bringing up kids...you will defend them with your lives

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6 minutes ago, TOMO said:

Thing is it becomes a fine line....maybe it went down differently to how you described...but it sounded like you bullied the mother...

It's a tuff one bringing up kids...you will defend them with your lives

Yes you are correct I bullied the mother and I’d do it again if I had to no children should be bullied 

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I remember back in junior school when a parent came into the class room and slapped the teacher for bullying her son,none of us were ever bullied by the bitch of a teacher ever again..Good old days as the old bill weren't even called..

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I had it dead lucky as a parent. No serious problems with bullying. I never encouraged them to fight and as far as I know, they were never involved in violence .

The only time I felt I should intervene was when my seven year old son came home in hysterical tears. After he calmed, he told me the father of his friend had threatened  "to break his jaw" because he had stepped onto a newly sown area of lawn.

The hero wouldn't even come to the door and sent his Mrs out instead. I told her the next time I saw her man I would really enjoy breaking his jaw. He avoided me for years until eventually, at a wedding, he came over and apologised. I said he should really apologise to my son and he did.

Tbh,I let it go at that. His wife knew what a piece of cowardly shit she had married and that was revenge enough.

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Kidbrooke Park Juniors, 1979……my old man hung my teacher out a 3rd floor window because he wouldn’t let me go and take a piss !

I bet that bloke never acted the c**t with kids under his charge again. 

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The quality teachers could/ can keep kids happy and disciplined. If a kid is out of order a raised eyebrow or "I' m really disappointed in you" is enough.

Others are clowns and bullies whose classes are hell for kids.

Back in the thirties, my mother had a classroom duster thrown at her by a male teacher so she threw it back. My granny was urgently called to the school, had the situation explained to her and she  flew at the teacher and reigned blows on him as well. Girl power! Don't f**k with an angry Irish mother.

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George Green Secondary School on the Isle of Dogs a music teacher put a kid over his knee and battered him with a clog biggest mistake of his life the kids dad came up the school in front of everybody battered him and then lobbed him down a flight of stairs and broke his back, much to the amusement of us kids good old days lol.

Edited by FLATTOP
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I was about 8 or 9?Teacher backhanded me full force,burst my nose,had to get the school nurse to stop the bleeding,I think he realised as he came to my house after school,my mam told him not to worry as I had probably deserved it,lol.

It could have been worse,he went on to sodomise and molest three other kids at that school,I escaped with just a burst nose.Of the three he molested two have tried suicide and both have really bad mental health issues.

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I went to a similar school for 6 months. When I arrived I was warned not to go into Mr Warwick's office because he was a paedophile.

Soon after I arrived he ordered me to his room for talking in the crocodile line going down to breakfast.

I went to his room but refused to enter. I just shouted "no" every time he ordered me in. Eventually he realised I was making such a fuss that he was drawing attention to himself so gave me two of the cane in the corridor.

Ir was a great school. The main subject was brutality. 

Three of the teachers eventually ended up in jail.

Lovely caring Catholic instition.

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I remember my son being bullied at school, one mouthy little bsatard in particular was making his life a misery, after fruitless attempts to get the school to deal with it, I took it upon myself to resolve the situation. I battered fcuk out of the lads father in his front garden for not taking his son in hand and my parting words were any other bully by his child I'd do the same to him again and again. Needless to say the bullying stop, wasn't my finest decision to to take action in that way but it worked. I detest bullies

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At about 12 / 13 we had a big horrible ginger c**t of a teacher Mr.Bishop he would stand in as  Pe teacher from time to time....he was a cruel sadistic wanker who picked out the biggest toughest kids ( 12 / 13 year olds ! ) to humiliate.....none of us would dare go home and tell our parents it just wasnt the done thing back then but this one day he took us over the field for footie,he was referee.....a friend of mine had a real hang up about his big ears,was always getting in fights over them.....it was pissing down and this Mr.Bishop had a right go at the big eared kid,taking the piss till he was literally crying.....the lad lost his rag and ran at Bishop who was just throwing him around like a rag doll.....about 8 of us all just looked at each other and rushed him,we was all over him gave him a bit of a pasting he had claret coming out of his ears and all sorts,we just left him laying there in the pissing rain and walked back into school......plod turned up and we all got suspended etc as there was a big investigation,he wasnt that badly hurt but turned out even the other teachers hated him and he was never seen again at our school.....just about the only real bully i ever came into contact with at school.

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Knifes were big in our schools as sad as it is, it was normal an most kids had em an a blades as good an equaliser you can get in your early teens , so was very little bullying full stop when I was at school, being shunned was about as bad as it got, unless ye got slashed or stabbed haha 

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