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New film coursing driving the land

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Idiots that do crap like that aren't countrymen or dogmen just an embarrassment to the sport, wrecking crops ect bring the heat on everyone bunch of clowns

and the filth refused to turn up but been 2 lads walking there would of had the full force out banned from driving dogs took and a ten k fine   

My pal and I bought this bitch off the Pikies on Newcastle Town Moor, mid 70’s. They said it was a “staghound” but it was probably deer/grey. One of the best dogs I’ve ever seen , and the on

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2 hours ago, TOMO said:

Any of you lads seen these clips doing the rounds....about 25 motors out on the fields running a comp

was it recently tomo? was reading a similar thing yesterday happened in Cambridge, big public meeting about it. 

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It made national TV and newspaper coverage.

Pikies evidently. 25/30 vehicles tearing up the fields, some set on fire or abandoned.

They pulled into a village garage, filled up with fuel, stole food and goods , threatened the cashier and left without paying.

One woman called 999 NINE times and was told to call 101 ! 
Police refused to attend. Chief Constable had to make a grovelling apology!

And of course it was mentioned many times that they were “hare coursers” …..


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17 hours ago, chartpolski said:

It made national TV and newspaper coverage.

Pikies evidently. 25/30 vehicles tearing up the fields, some set on fire or abandoned.

They pulled into a village garage, filled up with fuel, stole food and goods , threatened the cashier and left without paying.

One woman called 999 NINE times and was told to call 101 ! 
Police refused to attend. Chief Constable had to make a grovelling apology!

And of course it was mentioned many times that they were “hare coursers” …..


the match you was on about with the 50k dog mate 

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2 minutes ago, tatsblisters said:

Seen a clip of it ffs it looked like something out of a Mad Max movie.

and the filth refused to turn up but been 2 lads walking there would of had the full force out banned from driving dogs took and a ten k fine 


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I'm not condoning these actions... But it Goes to show....The Law in this  Country pick and choose who and when to stop and throw the book at ....if it's a half decent mob,who ain't gonna roll over...then obviously their arses fallout...and they say at a distance,and ask the public to come forward,with information...wankers

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1 hour ago, mC HULL said:

and the filth refused to turn up but been 2 lads walking there would of had the full force out banned from driving dogs took and a ten k fine 


That's true mate though the actions of these lads are only furthering the publics perception of lads who respectfully run their dogs and they have took a nail gun to the already nailed down coffin. Saw the same happen with lads in the 80s who worked their terriers on badgers in a respectful way and them i know are some of the soundest lads you could wish to meet and all it took was a few pictures and videos of a load of terriers and some times lurchers ragging a pig about in a different environment to tar most digging lads with the same brush. 

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