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Yesterday we popped to the next village to look at a bungalow as we at last have some strong interest in our cottage.  For those of you who have been to our cottage will know that Trish and I love old properties, this one is almost 300 years old so to look at a pretty new bungy was not in  keeping with our style but this bungy will not need a thing doing to it for the rest of our lives if we can get past the fact that it is newish.  So why am I telling you guys about a new bungy...................well I took my laser rangefinder with me and I can get a clear 40yds rifle range in the back garden, for some of you that is no big thing but for me, I have a 15yd cottage garden so to have that extended distance is a massive bonus.  As it is pretty rural, I can use my .22 Wildcat fac to check zero before even going out as well as  pellet testing or to zero my .22 rimmy if needed once I build a serious pellet stop at the bottom of the garden.

As I get older, the thought of being able to sit outside and shoot my sub 12 all day at a variety of targets and distances has a certain appeal. I know we are not ready to buy the property yet until our cottage is finalised and of course many things can go wrong but it would be nice not to think of any work to be done to the house AND a cracking rifle range outside..........hmmmm.


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  On 01/02/2025 at 21:20, bigmac 97kt said:

Feck iv just learned how to get to ur house 

Now iv got to do it All again 



It's only 10 mins from the cottage you have been to Jimmy, you can go to this one and I will come round and pick you up so don't give me excuses matey..........🤣🤣🤣

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That is something that has been on the agenda for me for a few years now. Something always scuppers my plans :-). Funnily enough just before reading this post I had got the urge to put a few rounds through one of my prized possessions. Just goes to show you cannot put a spring powered air rifle away for a few years and expect decent groups when you next pick it up. Won't say the range, embarrassingly close, hence the desire for a bigger garden. If I'd went for chest cavity them antelopes would have dropped though.



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My back garden is on quite a steep slope, don't need much range as is for kids airgun, overlooked by neighbours, and I've previously heard ' what's all that banging ' etc. take it for granted as a kid we had a big garden at one point and I was let loose with bows , airguns and .410... And would hop a fence with machete in hand and mess about in a forest for most of the day. Still ill probably get a silencer put on the little springer and finish off my quieter back stop with insulation board and carpet...always enjoyed an afternoon of plinking...

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