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72.5 mill by 2032 ,and apparently we need immigration to keep us going ,someone's got to abuse our oap's ,sorry think they said look after ! Unless Scotty knows a better way ,I'd go with civil war is the only way this country will be saved ? I'm sure it's close ,

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I mentioned this in a post about pollution, the infrastructure of this country is not capable of dealing with a influx of this magnitude. Literally every single aspect of our lives will suffer add tha

Globalism is the culprit,an those who sold out to it,nothing is kept in house anymore,everything is from foreign countries,no traditions left,I detest globalism an all the shit that comes way it

UK and France have the same population but France is twice the size,UK is a tiny crowded island where everyone is packed like sardines and the infrastructure is at bursting point,dark days ahead for t

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the clowns in charge do not get that poeple who are taxed do death can not afford to have children.thus not enough kids being born.should have put normal working class indigenous people not scum with ten kids or illeagal imports.

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Article from Sunday 28 October 2007  (well over 17 years ago!)

City Eye: Facts on a plate: our population is at least 77 million.

It is the statistic that dare not speak its name, though eventually it must. It has huge ramifications for the civil and political life of this country, the health of the equity markets and, most immediately, the residential property market. So don't forget you read it here first: the population of the UK is presently somewhere between 77 and 80-million.

The 2001 census, already hopelessly out of date and easy to avoid for those who find filling in forms a trifle inelegant, numbered us at a little under 59 million. But as statistics go, that one's most definitely a damned lie.

My sources for the above statement are good, but scared of admitting the truth for fear of incurring the wrath of Whitehall. It's like the best way of monitoring illegal drug consumption: forget the pious statements from ministers – the foolproof method is to sample our water and the effluent in it. That's easily the best way of monitoring what the nation has been consuming.

Consumption – that's the thing. Based on what we eat, one big supermarket chain reckons there are 80- million people living in the UK. The demand for food is a reliable indicator; as Sir Richard Branson says, you can have all the money in the world but you can only eat one lunch and one dinner.

The supermarket in question was privately lobbying the Competition Commission to let it grow its market share. The argument, reasonably enough, was that the market was far bigger than the regulator realised, so expanding the network was fair.

I have a second, respectable, source. A major, non-commercial agricultural institution reckons there are 77 million of us in the UK. Again, its reckoning is based on what we eat.

That faint background noise you're hearing as you read this is the sound of everyone slithering off the record. Why? In political terms, standing behind these figures would be to toss a hand grenade into a vat of gasoline. People would be hounded out of a job for scaremongering.

The Office for National Statistics' figures, published last week, predict a population of 75 million by 2051. It's an honest estimate but horribly wide of the mark because number counting doesn't work effectively. If you want to know how many there are of us, ask a food firm.

If the true numbers were revealed, the Little Englanders and xenophobes would come out in force about the evils of immigration. But that's what made America great in the 19th century, and it's a driving force of our economy right now. It's also anti-inflationary.

David Buik, a money manager with broker BGC Partners, was talking of "one million Eastern Europeans unaccounted for in London" on television last week. I suspect he's right if somewhat conservative in his estimate. How many do you see working in the construction industry and waiting at tables?

And when I say "anti-inflationary", I mean they are getting rotten wages. Dignified by the term "cheap labour", the hidden hordes will do well for the services sector, among others. People are assets – to maintain and to be maintained – so we are wealthier as a nation.

All of which is reflected in strong economic demand and markets see-sawing between optimism over what we all see on the streets (that 77 million figure feels right to me) and the possibility of something nasty if the Bank of England credit-crunch prognosis is correct (to echo last week, I think next spring will be unpleasant).

As for housing, property magnates and chief executives of housing associations alike say the expanding population means serious demand for the foreseeable future, credit crunch or no. Next week, I'll look at the detail of this argument.



It is the statistic that dare not speak its name, though eventually it must. It has huge ramifications for the civil...


Edited by Rustic Lady
numbers missing
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UK and France have the same population but France is twice the size,UK is a tiny crowded island where everyone is packed like sardines and the infrastructure is at bursting point,dark days ahead for the young generations.

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The country and it's services are an embarrassment, my mother has been in hospital for what could potentially be very serious for over 24 hours and it's like talking to a bunch of retards in there.

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  On 28/01/2025 at 19:08, Goly said:

The country and it's services are an embarrassment, my mother has been in hospital for what could potentially be very serious for over 24 hours and it's like talking to a bunch of retards in there.


Go private if you can mate, was same when my ole dear was dying, don’t get me wrong the nhs has been good to me over the years but is goosed now, private was much better even tho end result was the same

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The Government, especially the Treasury, says that immigration is good because it increases GDP. 
Of course it does, the more people paying tax means increased GDP.

BUT , when the immigrants are low skilled, low paid, it DECREASES GDP per capita, making everyone poorer !


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 People can only eat "one lunch and one dinner".

True story. About 40 years back there were seven of us fishing a river bank. Salmon and sea trout were being landed in phenomenal numbers. We decided to fish all night.

One chap was dispatched in his ancient Morris Minor at 8 pm to bring us back 7 fish and chip suppers. He didn't arrive back until 7am. His van had broken down and rather than waste the the fish suppers,  he ate the lot! He was a pig farmer and could scoff as well as his stock. 😆 


Edited by jukel123
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  On 28/01/2025 at 19:21, chartpolski said:

The Government, especially the Treasury, says that immigration is good because it increases GDP. 
Of course it does, the more people paying tax means increased GDP.

BUT , when the immigrants are low skilled, low paid, it DECREASES GDP per capita, making everyone poorer !



And the more low paid, low skilled there are competing for jobs, the more stagnant wages and therefore the economy becomes.

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  On 28/01/2025 at 19:19, WataWalloper said:

Go private if you can mate, was same when my ole dear was dying, don’t get me wrong the nhs has been good to me over the years but is goosed now, private was much better even tho end result was the same


Can't mate, but honestly the unprofessionalism is unreal, it's like they don't even talk to each other the doctors and nurses because every time a new one goes to see her they are asking questions that they should already know, frustrating to feck but what can you do.

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  On 28/01/2025 at 19:21, jukel123 said:


True story. About 40 years back there were seven of us fishing a river bank. Salmon and sea trout were being landed in phenomenal numbers. We decided to fish all night.

One chap was dispatched in his ancient Morris Minor at 8 pm to bring us back 7 fish and chip suppers. He didn't arrive back until 7am. His van had broken down and rather than waste the the fish suppers,  he ate the lot! He was a pig farmer and could scoff as well as his stock. 😆 



There's always a moral to a good story but............


200w (1).gif

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  On 28/01/2025 at 19:27, mackem said:

There's always a moral to a good story but............


200w (1).gif


The evidence in terms of empty paper wrappers and a man with his gut flowing even more than usual over his thick leather belt was there for all to see. His nickname was Benny Gannet.

Incidentally Mack,I had 9 salmon that night, one lad had twelve and the rest sixes and sevens. The book says theres no point in fishing for salmon at night.lol. Although it wasn't dark for long being summer.

We pooled the lot and were seriously rich. Benny got his cut too. We should have deducted the fish and chip money but let him off.Lol

Sorry if I'm digressing from the thread  folks.

Edited by jukel123
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  On 28/01/2025 at 19:21, jukel123 said:

 People can only eat "one lunch and one dinner".

True story. About 40 years back there were seven of us fishing a river bank. Salmon and sea trout were being landed in phenomenal numbers. We decided to fish all night.

One chap was dispatched in his ancient Morris Minor at 8 pm to bring us back 7 fish and chip suppers. He didn't arrive back until 7am. His van had broken down and rather than waste the the fish suppers,  he ate the lot! He was a pig farmer and could scoff as well as his stock. 😆 



Any pickled eggs?

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