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40 seconds...enough time for a kiss and cuddle afterwards 

Mchull great grandfather...preserved in the black slop down Peterborough...

I read that and reflected on how the nation that Produced Shakespeare, Dickens, Byron, Wordsworth, Milton, Owen etc just keeps managing to churn out word smiths ! 

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2 minutes ago, jukel123 said:



You can have my shot mate.

It's a free society thank God. But some people need protecting from themselves.

Just over 40 seconds a bloke.She is an onlyfans star,her last record was 100 blokes,her motto is anything worth doing is worth overdoing.If your doing a job you enjoy your never work a day in your life.

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15 minutes ago, mackem said:

OnlyFans star Bonnie Blue bedding a record-breaking 1,057 volunteers in a mansion where convicted...


Her parents must be very proud of her.

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5 minutes ago, mackem said:

Just over 40 seconds a bloke.She is an onlyfans star,her last record was 100 blokes,her motto is anything worth doing is worth overdoing.If your doing a job you enjoy your never work a day in your life.nice girl


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8 minutes ago, iworkwhippets said:

Eh she wouldn't want any other man if I visited her, how do I get in touch with her please ,     I thank youn

She'd definitely turn lesbian after meeting you. Lol

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I think I'm turning into a very sad old man , because I'm sitting here thinking of the logistics of getting all the blokes there at just the right time .  Did they come on coaches ?, did they line up around the block ?, who organised all the condoms ? , and who cleaned all the mess up afterwards ?.

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34 minutes ago, mackem said:

Just over 40 seconds a bloke.She is an onlyfans star,her last record was 100 blokes,her motto is anything worth doing is worth overdoing.If your doing a job you enjoy your never work a day in your life.

40 seconds a bloke, think I could manage a good minute, all them blokes before you, you’d have to stick it in the wrong’un to get any friction 

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1 minute ago, Stavross said:

40 seconds a bloke, think I could manage a good minute, all them blokes before you, you’d have to stick it in the wrong’un to get any friction 

It was organised by Eddie Davenport,he organises upper class sex parties so he probably had fluffers working the line as they shuffled along waiting for their turn.

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