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1 minute ago, leegreen said:

By the way, I'm sorry if I have upset anyone.

Also, there is no father Christmas you cnuts. 😂

Lol I don't take offence to other people's choices Lee,il have a chat about it but wouldn't force it on anyone

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The king James is  written in Old English the newer versions are wrote in current English,if you put each bible side by side an checked each verse they'd be the same only in different English's,iv no

I think it’s worth saying that (imho) there is a massive difference between a belief/faith in something more & organised religion (a club). Let’s not forget that long before the written word

The Bible is basically all common sense, don’t kill people, don’t be a f***ing arsehole in word, deed, thought. Give a small (small !!) proportion of what you are lucky enough to have to help out

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Just now, Francie, said:

Lol I don't take offence to other people's choices Lee,il have a chat about it but wouldn't force it on anyone

when "other peoples choices" affect many other people, something needs to be done.  Ban it.

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1 minute ago, leegreen said:

What the religion of common sense and humanity?  I haven't started that one yet, too busy being normal.

OK you might not of thought about it yet,but there's not many options when it comes down to it,I believe God created everything,an I'm assuming you don't lol so the other option left is evolution or some other way that you have to BELEIVE in,you have to believe in evolution,because its not scientific,as in testable an observable cause it happened billions of years ago,people will say yes there's evidence,but it's not testable an observable,so not scientific.


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5 minutes ago, leegreen said:

when "other peoples choices" affect many other people, something needs to be done.  Ban it.

Ban what,religion,does that include yours,cause you beleive in something Lee?

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27 minutes ago, leegreen said:

Not read this thread.

if it's not been said, which it probably has in one way or another. That book and all the other c@ntish books of the same nature, they've got a lot to answer for. War, murder, lies, suppression, pedo's, nonce's, genital mutilation (of both girls and boys), myths, mass human control, genocide, fraud, theft, abduction, famine, in fact most of the horrible things you can think of have been done in the name of a made up bull shite.

If we as a world could do one thing that would benefit mankind, it would be to ban religion. 

Books haven’t got anything to answer for, that’s ludicrous !

Its human beings who have stuff to answer for, not books.

Banning homosexuality won’t suddenly make them all not gay anymore, if you want to stop all those things then ban human beings (which is of course a nonsensical proposition)…..until you do that, you will keep getting all the very best and all the very worst man kind has to offer.

If people just “loved god and loved each other” as per the Bible then everything you mentioned there wouldn’t exist…..but you want to ban the thing that actually promotes it ? 

Edited by WILF
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38 minutes ago, Francie, said:

What verses say this in genesis?

We were not born bad,we born with a choice,God told Adam an eve they can eat of every tree apart from the tree of knowledge of good an evil in the midst of the garden,if you notice before they ate they could talk to God directly,an they did not know they were naked,but when they ate of the tree which they were told not too,it all changed,they realised they were naked,an covered themselves up an ran an hid when they heard God calling,when they disobeyed an sinned then everything changed.

Where do you think God was vengeful?

God wasn't vengeful yet he condemned everyone and everything to death apart from Noah and his family? 

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1 hour ago, Francie, said:

It's nothing to do with being so easy corruptible,we were created with a choice,to choose the light or the dark,life is a test,were souls with a physical body,the choice is yours,everyone will encounter death,its were you will spend eternity is your choice.

I have you seen the video of Neil de grasse tyson,crying while explaining that the astronauts that were on apollo 8 mission apparently coming back from the moon on Christmas eve read out the book of genesis?

Omniscience removes Free Will and choice from the equation.....

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31 minutes ago, Goly said:

God wasn't vengeful yet he condemned everyone and everything to death apart from Noah and his family? 

Have a look at the world….you could argue he may have had a case ? 

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12 minutes ago, WILF said:

Have a look at the world….you could argue he may have had a case ? 

That doesn't explain why a vengeful and spiteful god would create sinful humans to begin with, he's a massive contradiction.

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Like lee I’ve not read all this thread but this is my take on it

firstly, when I was at school I took RE mainly to toss it off, but I used to enjoy asking questions that the teacher simply couldn’t answer, mainly about dinosaurs and how she knew her chosen god was listening to her, I prefer to follow the science as whatever god people decide to follow doesn’t cure cancer, science does 

for me, the science says the earth is around 4.5 billion years old, radio metric data has come up with this number with an estimate that life started around 3.5 billion year ago, life on earth has evolved over this time and continues to evolve to this day, we don’t see evolution because it happens over thousands of years not dramatically in our short existence, a lot of the estimated 4000 religions, faith groups, tribes or cultures think man first walked on the earth between 6000 and 10,000 years ago where as science has shown that this is more likely to be 300,000 years, recently there was a dinosaur fossil found that has been carbon dated to 150 million years old 

I find it odd that out of the 4000 estimated religions, cultures, faith groups ( call them what you will ) none of them can give any hard evidence of their belief that there is a creator and they don’t all believe in the same thing, so they can’t all be right so that says to me the probability is that they are all wrong rather than just one of them being right 

It’s estimated that there is somewhere between 100,000 and 400,000 stars in our galaxy and we are not even at the centre of our galaxy we are just a little dot floating around on one of the fins of the Milky Way, 

for me a belief in a god or a creator show the absolute arrogance of humanity, you are not as important as you think you are 

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1 hour ago, Stavross said:

Like lee I’ve not read all this thread but this is my take on it

firstly, when I was at school I took RE mainly to toss it off, but I used to enjoy asking questions that the teacher simply couldn’t answer, mainly about dinosaurs and how she knew her chosen god was listening to her, I prefer to follow the science as whatever god people decide to follow doesn’t cure cancer, science does 

for me, the science says the earth is around 4.5 billion years old, radio metric data has come up with this number with an estimate that life started around 3.5 billion year ago, life on earth has evolved over this time and continues to evolve to this day, we don’t see evolution because it happens over thousands of years not dramatically in our short existence, a lot of the estimated 4000 religions, faith groups, tribes or cultures think man first walked on the earth between 6000 and 10,000 years ago where as science has shown that this is more likely to be 300,000 years, recently there was a dinosaur fossil found that has been carbon dated to 150 million years old 

I find it odd that out of the 4000 estimated religions, cultures, faith groups ( call them what you will ) none of them can give any hard evidence of their belief that there is a creator and they don’t all believe in the same thing, so they can’t all be right so that says to me the probability is that they are all wrong rather than just one of them being right 

It’s estimated that there is somewhere between 100,000 and 400,000 stars in our galaxy and we are not even at the centre of our galaxy we are just a little dot floating around on one of the fins of the Milky Way, 

for me a belief in a god or a creator show the absolute arrogance of humanity, you are not as important as you think you are 

Look at creation in the atomic and cellular levels, DNA too, its far too smart to just come out of nowhere, its been programmed to follow suit and to change over time to allow adaptations so survival can happen, 

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10 minutes ago, Lenmcharristar said:

Look at creation in the atomic and cellular levels, DNA too, its far too smart to just come out of nowhere, its been programmed to follow suit and to change over time to allow adaptations so survival can happen, 

DNA & cellular mechanisms are extraordinary complex but that doesn't prove intentional design.

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9 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

Lot ?


Yes, very perverted in parts, it's a very strange read, god doesn't seem a particularly nice entity in Genesis.

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